
drenched to the skin

To be completely soaked with water—usually rain—through one's clothes. Come in out of that rain! Oh, you're drenched to the skin, you'll catch cold if you aren't careful!
See also: drench, skin

drench someone or something in something

 and drench someone or something with something
to soak someone or something in something. A sudden summer shower drenched them in sheets of rain. My raincoat was drenched with droplets from the foggy night air.
See also: drench

Common Names:

Basmat-Biblical Hebrew
RagnfrÍ&Eth;R-Ancient Scandinavian
Rosa (1)RO-sah (Spanish, Dutch), RAW-zah (Italian), RO-zə (English)Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, German, English
Pelagiyapye-lah-GEE-yah, pee-lah-GEE-yahRussian