
granny dumping

The abandonment of an elderly relative in a public place or facility, especially a hospital or care center, so as to relieve oneself of the duty of caring or looking after him or her. While I know how stressful caring for your elderly parents can be, I'll never understand how anyone could consider granny dumping an acceptable option.
See also: dump, granny

homeless dumping

The premature discharge of indigent patients onto the streets by hospital workers or care providers, due to the high cost of providing care or shelter for them. A local hospital is being investigated for a continual practice of homeless dumping, with many who suffer from chronic addiction and health issues being thrust straight back onto Skid Row.
See also: dump

patient dumping

The premature discharge of patients, especially homeless patients or those with psychological disabilities, onto the streets by hospital workers or care providers, due to the high cost of providing care or shelter for them. A local hospital is being investigated for a continual practice of patient dumping, with many who suffer from chronic addiction and health issues being thrust straight back onto Skid Row.
See also: dump, patient

take a dump

vulgar slang To defecate. I wouldn't mind the neighbor's dog getting into my yard if it didn't always take a dump on my lawn!
See also: dump, take

dump on someone or something

1. . to snow on someone or something. Well, it dumped on us again last night. The cold front dumped on the northeast again today.
2. and do a dump on someone or something; dump all over someone or something S(. to criticize someone or something; to destroy someone or something. There is no need to do a dump on me. I didn't wreck your car. The bossmad as a wet hen—dumped all over me.
See also: dump, on

dump one's load

1. . Sl. to empty one's stomach; to vomit. He's had too much to drink and is dumping his load.
2. and dump a load Sl. to defecate. (Crude. Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.) He had to go dump a load. He dumped his load and settled back down to work.
See also: dump, load

dump something on someone

Fig. to pour out one's troubles to someone. She dumped all her grief on her friend, Sally. I wish you wouldn't dump all your problems on me.
See also: dump, on

dumped on

1. snowed on. The entire Midwest was dumped on with about ten inches of snow. Our town really got dumped on last night.
2. Sl. maligned; abused. I really feel dumped on by all the bad reviews in the press. The jerk who designed this stupid congested stairway hasn't been dumped on enough.
See also: dump, on

Let's dump.

Sl. Let's go. It's late. Let's dump. Let's dump. I've still got a lot to do at home tonight.
See also: dump

dump on

1. To discard or discharge something onto some other thing: We weren't allowed to dump trash on the premises. Someone dumped this package on my front porch.
2. To tell all one's problems to someone: After he was fired, he dumped his problems on me for hours. She dumped on me when her boyfriend left.
3. To criticize someone severely and unfairly: You're dumping on me because you're in a bad mood, not because I did anything wrong.
4. To assign some job to someone, often inconveniently and unfairly: The boss dumped the filing on the new employee. The most menial work was dumped on the interns.
See also: dump, on

do a dump on someone/something

and dump all over someone/something and dump on someone/something
tv. to criticize someone or something; to destroy someone or something. (From take a dump, to defecate.) That rotten jerk really did a dump on my car. Look at that fender! She did a dump all over my report. Why do I bother.
See also: dump, on

dump all over someone/something

See also: all, dump

dump on someone/something

See also: dump, on


1. tv. & in. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. She turned green, and I knew she was going to dump.
2. in. to defecate. (see also dump one’s load.) He dumped and then came back.
3. n. an act of defecation. (Usually objectionable.) He had a dump and then came back.
4. n. a low or cheap establishment; a joint. My mama didn’t raise me to spend the rest of my days in a run-down dump like this.

Dump it

tv. throw it away. We don’t need it. Get rid of it! Dump it!
See also: dump

dump on someone

1. in. to scold someone severely. Please, don’t dump on me. I’ve had a hard day.
2. in. to place a large burden of guilt or grief on someone; to give someone all of one’s troubles. She had had a bad day, so she dumped on me for about an hour.
See also: dump, on

dump on someone/something

1. in. to snow on someone or something. Well, it dumped on us again last night.
2. Go to do a dump on someone/something.
See also: dump, on

dump one’s load

1. tv. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. He’s in the john dumping his load.
2. tv. to defecate. (Usually objectionable. Also with a load.) He had to go dump a load.
See also: dump, load

dumped on

1. mod. maligned; abused. (From take a dump = defecate.) I really feel dumped on.
2. mod. snowed on. The entire Midwest was dumped on with about ten inches of snow.
See also: dump, on

Let’s dump

interj. Let’s go. Let’s dump. I’ve still got a lot to do at home tonight.
See also: dump

take a shit

and take a crap and take a dump and take a squat
tv. to defecate. (It is always taken not given, done, or put. Shit is the most offensive with the others following in descending order of offense.) Hurry up in there! I gotta take a shit. Why didn’t you take a squat before we left home?
See also: shit, take

take a dump

See also: dump, take

toxic waste dump

n. a horrible person or place. Frank, stop acting like a toxic waste dump and do as you’re asked.
See also: dump, waste

Common Names:

Marilenamah-ree-LE-nah (Italian)Italian, Romanian
ZebulunZEB-yoo-lən (English)Biblical
Sevda-Turkish, Azerbaijani