
ever and again

antiquated From time to time; occasionally; now and then. Ever and again, I find something on television worth watching, but mostly I prefer to read.
See also: again, and, ever

ever so

To a great or exceeding degree or extent. Used as a modifier for other adjectives. I was ever so grateful for your help the other day. Your brother has been ever so kind to me.
See also: ever

scarcely ever

Nearly never; very infrequently; only on a few or rare occasions. We used to go visit Grandma and Grandpa every year when I was a kid, but nowadays, I scarcely ever see them. I scarcely ever get the chance to go out to the movies alone since having kids.
See also: ever, scarcely

rarely ever

Nearly never; very infrequently; only on a few or rare occasions. We used to go visit Grandma and Grandpa every year when I was a kid, but nowadays, I rarely ever see them. I rarely ever get the chance to go out to the movies alone since having kids.
See also: ever, rarely

what(ever) will be, will be

Let whatever was meant or fated to happen come to pass; there is no use in regretting or resisting what one cannot control. I'm really hoping that I get this job, but whatever will be, will be. I'm afraid there's no more the doctors can do for your wife. At this point, what will be, will be.
See also: will

as ever trod shoe-leather

As ever walked the earth; as ever lived. You're as talented a baseball player as ever trod shoe-leather!
See also: ever, trod

happily ever after

This phrase borrowed from fairy tale endings is used to suggest that everything will work out perfectly in the future. It is often used after a couple has gotten married. It was such a beautiful wedding, and I just know that Allie and Michael will live happily ever after. It's not like real people just magically live happily ever after—it takes a lot of hard work!
See also: after, ever, happily

no good deed ever goes unpunished

Due to the cruelty, ignorance, or selfishness of the world or others, one's good deeds or good intentions will often result in more trouble than they are worth. An ironic and sardonic twist on the more standard moral that "no good deed goes unrewarded." Janet: "I decided to help George clean out his gutters, but now he's got me doing all sorts of repairs around the house!" Bill: "I guess no good deed ever goes unpunished, eh?"
See also: deed, ever, goes, good, unpunished

Tinker to Evers to Chance

A lengendary baseball double-play. The phrase is used as the refrain in the poem "Baseball's Sad Lexicon" by Franklin Piece Adams. It refers to three Chicago Cubs players from the early 20th century: Joe Tinker, Johnny Evers, and Frank Chance. I wish I had been born in an earlier era, so that I could have seen Tinker to Evers to Chance—not to mention Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig and all the famous players of yore.
See also: chance, Ever, tinker

said no one ever

slang A humorous tag or retort that emphasizes the preceding statement as false. A: "I think he's ugly in a cute way." B: "Said no one ever!" "I love it when I stub my toe," said no one ever.
See also: ever, one, said

ever and anon

now and then; occasionally. (Literary and archaic.) Ever and anon the princess would pay a visit to the sorcerer in the small walled garden directly behind the castle.
See also: and, anon, ever

ever(y) which way

Rur. in all directions. When they heard me yell, the kittens ran off every which way. That mountain road kind of turns you ever which way before it finally gets you to the top.
See also: ever, way

forever and ever

 and forever and a day
forever. I will love you forever and ever. This car won't keep running forever and ever. We'll have to get a new one sometime upcoming. We have enough money to last forever and a day.
See also: and, ever, forever

live happily ever after

Cliché to live in happiness after a specific event. (A formulaic phrase at the end of fairy tales.) The prince and the princess lived happily ever after. They went away from the horrible haunted castle and lived happily ever after.
See also: after, ever, happily, live

ever and again

Now and then, occasionally. For example, We visit her ever and again. This phrase has largely replaced the earlier ever and anon, dating from the late 1500s, but is less common than every now and then. [Late 1800s]
See also: again, and, ever

hardly ever

Also, rarely ever, scarcely ever. Very seldom, almost never, as in This kind of thief is hardly ever caught, or He rarely ever brings up his wartime experiences. The ever in these expressions, first recorded in 1694, serves as an intensifier.
See also: ever, hardly

live happily ever after

Spend the rest of one's life in happiness, as in In her romantic novels the hero and heroine end up marrying and then live happily ever after . This hyperbolic phrase ends many fairy tales. [Mid-1800s]
See also: after, ever, happily, live


/now and anon
Time after time; now and then.

ever and

Now and then; occasionally.
See also: and, ever

for ever and a day

Always; forever.
See also: and, ever

Common Names:

Guenevere-Arthurian Romance
Davinadə-VEEN-əEnglish (British)