
fail the smell test

To be morally questionable, unacceptable, or untrustworthy. The new pro-drilling bill that's being put through Congress certainly fails the smell test, and many are suspicious that Big Oil has been responsible for its inception.
See also: fail, smell, test

fail of success

To not reach a goal or accomplishment. I know you worked hard on the fundraiser, so I'm really sorry to hear that you failed of success. After not making the team last year, I'm really hoping I don't fail of success this time around.
See also: fail, of, success

Common Names:

Oksanaahk-SAH-nah (Russian)Ukrainian, Russian
Pallas (1)PAL-əs (English)Greek Mythology
Egino-Ancient Germanic
Emperatrizem-pe-rah-TREETH (Spanish), em-pe-rah-TREES (Latin American Spanish)Spanish