
fixed for life

Having enough money to live one's life easily and comfortably. Steve was fixed for life after winning the lottery.
See also: fixed, life

fixed up

provided with a date. Sam got fixed up with Martha. Okay, Sam is fixed up with a date for Saturday.
See also: fixed, up

How is someone fixed for something?

Is there enough of something? How are you fixed for ketchup? Do you have enough for the picnic?
See also: fixed, how


 and well-fixed; well-off
Fig. wealthy; with sufficient money. My uncle can afford a new car. He's well-heeled. Everyone in his family is well-off.


rich You need to be well-heeled to be able to afford to shop there.


1. mod. doped; intoxicated. Frank is comfortable now that he’s fixed.
2. mod. bribed. The cop is fixed and won’t give you guys any trouble.
3. mod. having the outcome prearranged. (Said of a contest, race, or election.) The election was fixed, and we are going to protest.
4. mod. neutered. I wouldn’t buy anything but an already-fixed dog.

fixed up

mod. provided with a date. Okay, Sam is fixed up with a date for Saturday.
See also: fixed, up


and well-heeled
1. mod. rich. His father died and left him pretty well-fixed.
2. and well-healed mod. alcohol intoxicated. You might say he is well-heeled. You might say he’s dead drunk, too.



Common Names:

Touthmosis-Ancient Egyptian (Hellenized)
Rebekahrə-BEK-ə (English)Biblical, English