
flick the bean

vulgar slang Of a woman, to masturbate by directly stimulating the clitoris, either with one's finger(s) or with a sex toy.
See also: bean, flick

popcorn flick

A film that is entertaining to watch but is generally not of a very high quality or rich in emotional or intellectual depth. A: "So what movie do you want to go see later?" B: "I don't feel like watching anything too heavy or complex—let's just see whatever popcorn flick is out."
See also: flick, popcorn

flick out

1. [for the ends of a flame] to reach out as the flame burns. The flames of the campfire flicked out and threatened the cold fingers that were too close. The flames flicked out from the burning house and set a nearby tree on fire.
2. [for the tongue of a reptile] to come out suddenly. The snake's tongue flicked out regularly. The lizard's tongue flicked out, grabbed the insect and ate it.
See also: flick, out

flick something off someone or something

 and flick something off
to brush or knock a speck of something off of someone or something with a quick movement. She flicked a speck of lint off his collar. She flicked off the lint.
See also: flick, off

flick something on

to turn something on, using a toggle switch. Mary came into the room and flicked the light on. Please flick on the light.
See also: flick, on

flick something out

[for a reptile] to push out its tongue quickly. The lizard flicked its tongue out repeatedly. The lizard kept flicking out its tongue at regular intervals.
See also: flick, out

flick something with something

to brush or knock something with something quickly or lightly. She flicked her finger at the fly that had lighted nearby. Tom flicked the vase with his sleeve and knocked it over.
See also: flick

flick through something

to turn quickly through the pages of something. Colleen flicked through the magazine, looking only at the advertisements. I have only had time to flick through the manuscript, but it looks okay.
See also: flick

flick off

1. To remove something from a surface with a quick, brief sweeping motion: I flicked off the cat hair from my sweater before I went outside. The tailor flicked some loose threads off before giving me the suit.
2. To deactivate by using a switch; switch off: He flicked the light off and shut the door. She flicked off the bright lights to conserve energy.
See also: flick, off

flick on

To activate by switch; switch on: We flicked on the lights and entered the attic. Flick the heat on when you get home.
See also: flick, on


n. a movie intended for women and female interests. I hate chick-flicks. It’s a guy thing.


n. a movie. That was a pretty good flick, right?

skin flick

n. a movie featuring nudity. (see also nudie.) Max likes skin flicks better than real girls.
See also: flick, skin

Common Names:

Erna (1)ER-nah (German, Swedish)German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish
BenjamÍNben-khah-MEEN (Spanish)Spanish, Czech, Slovak, Icelandic