
get (one's) juices flowing

To become inspired to greater creativity, productivity, or energy, or to cause such a feeling in someone. I've been having trouble getting this essay started—I just need to get my juices flowing. I find that a good run first thing in the morning always gets my juices flowing for the day ahead. We've been sitting here for an hour with nothing written, so let's play a few word games to get our juices flowing.
See also: flow, get, juice

go against the flow

To do, think, and/or believe things that are different or contrary to those of the majority of people. All these kids think they are going against the flow, but they're really all dressed the same!
See also: flow

be in full flow

To be happening at a fast pace. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. If you're not coming home for Christmas, you need to tell mom because her planning is already in full flow.
See also: flow, full

cash flow problem

a lack of hard currency. My real estate business has a temporary cash flow problem. Due to his cash flow problem, he was unable to pay his employees that month.
See also: cash, flow, problem

ebb and flow

to decrease and then increase, as with tides; a decrease followed by an increase, as with tides. The fortunes of the major political parties tend to ebb and flow over time. The ebb and flow of democracy through history is a fascinating subject.
See also: and, ebb, flow

flow across something

to stream or glide across something. A mass of cold air flowed across the city and froze us all. The floodwaters flowed across the fields and ruined the spring planting.
See also: across, flow

flow along

to move along evenly, as a liquid flows. At the base of the dam, the river began to flow along at a slower pace. The project flowed along quite nicely.
See also: flow

flow away

to course or move away. The floodwaters flowed away as fast as they had come. All the spilled water flowed away.
See also: away, flow

flow from something

to run out from something. The blood flowed from the wound on his hand and stained his shirt. The oil flowed from the cracked engine and made a mess on the floor.
See also: flow

flow (from something) (to something)

to course from one thing to another. This water flows all the way from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. Rain flows to the river from this very drain.

flow in(to) something

to course into something; to pour into something. The words flowed into my head, and I felt like I could write again. The water flowed in when I opened the door on the flood.
See also: flow

flow out

 (of something)
1. Lit. to course out of something. The apple juice flowed out of the press as we turned the crank. It stopped flowing out when we had crushed the apples totally.
2. Fig. [for people] to issue forth from something. The people flowed out of the stadium exits. At the end of the game, the people flowed out in a steady stream.
See also: flow, out

flow over someone or something

1. Lit. [for a liquid or something that flows] to move over someone or something. The water flowed over the land, covering everything. She slipped and fell into the icy creek and the water flowed over her, freezing her almost to death.
2. Fig. [for some kind of feeling] to envelop someone. A sense of peace flowed over her. Patriotic feelings flowed over the crowd as they listened to the national anthem.
See also: flow

flow with something

to have some liquid coursing on the surface or within someone or something. The sewers were flowing with the floodwaters. Her veins must flow with ice water. She is so cold.
See also: flow

go with the flow

 and go with it
Inf. to cope with adversity; to accept one's lot. No, just relax and go with the flow. Go with it. Don't fight it.
See also: flow

the ebb and flow of something

the continually changing character of something There is a normal ebb and flow in nature, for example, when there is just the right amount of rain and when there is not enough.
Usage notes: often said about something that regularly gets larger and smaller: There's a constant ebb and flow of traffic on the highway.
Related vocabulary: ups and downs
See also: and, ebb, flow, of

go with the flow

to do what other people are doing or agree with their opinions In large organizations, there's always a tendency to go with the flow. I never know what to expect when I'm with them, so I've learned that the best thing to do is just go with the flow.
Usage notes: the opposite meaning is expressed by go against the flow: Not basing my life on making money has meant having to go against the flow of our culture.
See also: flow

the ebb and flow

the way in which the level of something frequently becomes higher or lower in a situation (often + of ) The government did nothing about the recession, hoping it was just part of the ebb and flow of the economy.
See also: and, ebb, flow

go with the flow

to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because it is the easiest thing to do I wasn't very keen on the decision but it was easier just to go with the flow.
See also: flow

be in full flow/spate

  (British & Australian)
if an activity is in full flow, it is happening fast and with energy He had this annoying habit of interrupting her when she was in full spate. The royal wedding preparations were now in full flow.
See also: flow, full

ebb and flow

A decline and increase, constant fluctuations. For example, He was fascinated by the ebb and flow of the Church's influence over the centuries. This expression alludes to the inward and outward movement of ocean tides. [Late 1500s]
See also: and, ebb, flow

go with the flow

Also, go with the tide. Move along with the prevailing forces, accept the prevailing trend, as in Rather than striking out in new directions, I tend to go with the flow, or Pat isn't particularly original; she just goes with the tide. The flow in the first and more colloquial term, which dates from the late 1900s, alludes to the ebb and flow of tides and probably gained currency because of its appealing rhyme.
See also: flow

flow from

To originate in and develop from something; stem from: The second paragraph does not flow from the first in logical sequence. Many interesting discussions flowed from our initial conversation.
See also: flow

cash flow

n. cash; ready money. When I get a little cash flow at the end of the week, I’ll treat you to a hamburger.
See also: cash, flow


in. to menstruate. She’s flowing and could go swimming.

go with the flow

and go with it
in. to cope with adversity; to accept one’s lot. No, just relax and go with the flow.
See also: flow

Common Names:

HamHAM (English)Biblical
Timothea-Ancient Greek, Greek