
old fogey

An older person, especially one whose views or attitudes are considered boring or old-fashioned. Ah, don't mind that old fogey. He's just cantankerous because he isn't up to speed with the way of today's youth. I've fully embraced that I'm going to be a stodgy old fogey when I get older.
See also: fogey, old

young fogey

A young person who acts older than he or she is, due to conservative and/or outdated beliefs and behaviors. A play on the more common phrase "old fogey"—and older person with outdated ideals. Primarily heard in UK. You don't want to come to the club? Ah, you're such a young fogey. I can't believe you're going to bed early on a Saturday night so that you can go to church in the morning—you're such a young fogey!
See also: fogey, young

old fogey

n. an old-fashioned person; an old man. My uncle is an old fogey. He must be the most old-fashioned man in the world.
See also: fogey, old

Common Names:

Hestia-Greek Mythology
Rheannaree-AN-əEnglish (Rare)
Julijana-Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian