
have a forked tongue

To make empty or false promises; to speak duplicitously or beguilingly. Likened to having the tongue of a serpent, a traditional symbol of deceit and dishonesty. That's the last time I lend Brian any money, that guy has a forked tongue! He learned quickly that having a forked tongue was an effective way of getting ahead in business.
See also: forked, have, tongue

fork the fingers

To give a rude gesture with one's hand. This phrase is rarely heard today. I told you, it was an honest mistake, so don't fork the fingers at me!
See also: finger, fork

forked tongue

A trait of someone who speaks in a dishonest or deceitful manner. Often used in the phrase "speak with (a) forked tongue." I wouldn't trust a thing Caitlin says, she's always speaking with a forked tongue.
See also: forked, tongue

speak with a forked tongue

Fig. to tell lies; to try to deceive someone. Jean's mother sounds very charming, but she speaks with a forked tongue. People tend to believe Fred because he seems plausible, but we know he speaks with a forked tongue.
See also: forked, speak, tongue

speak with (a) forked tongue

to make false promises or to speak in a way which is not honest The minister is speaking with a forked tongue, promising support he will never deliver.
See also: forked, speak, tongue

Common Names:

Wasswa-Eastern African, Ganda
AhmoseAH-mos (English)Ancient Egyptian (Anglicized)