
friendship with benefits

A friendship or acquaintance in which the partners engage in casual sexual activity but are not in a formal, committed relationship with one another. After two long, ultimately painful relationships, I'm just looking for friendship with benefits these days.
See also: benefit, friendship

a hedge between keeps friendship green

Friendships are more likely to be successful when there is a level of space and privacy between the friends. The reason their friendship has lasted as long as it has is because they respect each other's privacy. A hedge between keeps friendship green.
See also: friendship, green, hedge, keep

A hedge between keeps friendship green.

Prov. Your friendship will flourish if you and your friend respect each other's privacy. Lynne and I are the best of friends, but we often like to spend time apart. A hedge between keeps friendship green.
See also: friendship, green, hedge, keep

strike up a friendship

to become friends (with someone). I struck up a friendship with John while we were on a business trip together. If you're lonely, you should go out and try to strike up a friendship with someone you like.
See also: friendship, strike, up

Common Names:

Raeleneray-LEENEnglish (Rare)
KaileyKAY-leeEnglish (Modern)
Yaropolk-Medieval Slavic