
be (someone's) funeral

A (usually humorous) threat indicating that if someone does or doesn't do something, it will bring about negative consequences. OK, fine, don't do what mom said. It's your funeral! If Billy goes in my room when I'm not here, it'll be his funeral.
See also: funeral

Dream of a funeral and you hear of a marriage.

 and Dream of a funeral and you hear of a wedding.
Prov. If you dream that a person has died, you will learn that person is to be married. Alan: I had a dream last night that my sister was killed. Jane: Dream of a funeral and you hear of a marriage.
See also: and, dream, funeral, hear, marriage, of

It's your funeral.

Fig. If that is what you are going to do, you will have to endure the dire consequences. Tom: I'm going to call in sick and go to the ball game instead of to work today. Mary: Go ahead. It's your funeral. Bill: I'm going to go into the boss and tell what I really think of him. Sue: It's your funeral.
See also: funeral

it's your funeral

something that you say in order to tell someone that if they suffer bad results from their actions it will be their own fault 'I'm not coming to the meeting, I can't afford the time.' 'Okay, it's your funeral.'
See also: funeral

it's your funeral

Also, it's or it's not his or her or my or our or their funeral . One must take the consequences of one's destructive or foolish actions. This expression is used to show one's contempt or lack of sympathy for another's actions. For example, Suppose they do get pulled over for taking a joy ride-It's their funeral, or I don't care whether you quit your job-it's not my funeral. This hyperbolic term implies that an action is so bad it will result in death. [Slang; mid-1800s]
See also: funeral

It’s your funeral!

exclam. If you do it, you will suffer all the consequences! Go if you want. It’s your funeral!

Common Names:

VulcanVUL-kən (English)Roman Mythology
Clotildeklo-TEELD (French)French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish