
for fun

In jest; humorously; not seriously. He teased her mercilessly, but though she found it hurtful, in his mind, it was all just for fun.
See also: fun

figure of fun

A person who is ridiculed or not taken seriously. Jesse became tired of being treated like a figure of fun so he changed his demeanor to be taken more seriously.
See also: figure, fun, of

it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye

A warning (usually issued to children by adults) against dangerous play. A: "But mom, we're just playing!" B: "Oh sure, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!"
See also: all, and, eye, fun, game, lose, until

barrel of fun

A person or thing that is very enjoyable. This phrase is often used sarcastically. Oh sure, our science teacher is a real barrel of fun, especially when he's the detention monitor. Carnivals are always a barrel of fun!
See also: barrel, fun, of

be (not) all fun and games

To be very enjoyable and pleasant. This phrase is often used in the negative to convey difficulty or a lack of fun. College isn't all fun and games—you need to take your schoolwork seriously.
See also: all, and, fun, game

be more fun than a barrel of monkeys

To be very fun and enjoyable. Primarily heard in US. I always have a great time when Katie's around—she's more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
See also: barrel, fun, monkey, more, of

barrel of fun

Fig. a tremendous amount of fun. Jill is just a barrel of fun in class. We had a barrel of fun at your party.
See also: barrel, fun, of

for the fun of it

just for the entertainment value of doing it. We went on a picnic just for the fun of it.
See also: fun, of

fun and games

Fig. playing around; doing worthless things. All right, Bill, the fun and games are over. It's time to get down to work. This isn't a serious course. It's nothing but fun and games.
See also: and, fun, game

have fun

to experience enjoyment. Please forget your problems and have fun.
See also: fun, have

make fun of someone or something

to ridicule someone or something. Are you making fun of me? I am making fun of your hat.
See also: fun, make, of

more fun than a barrel of monkeys

 and as much fun as a barrel of monkeys
Cliché a great deal of fun. (Compare this with as funny as a barrel of monkeys.) Roger always makes me laugh! He is as much fun as a barrel of monkeys. The circus was more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
See also: barrel, fun, monkey, more, of

poke fun at someone or something

to make fun of someone or something. You shouldn't poke fun at me for my mistakes. They are just poking fun at the strange architecture.
See also: fun, poke

in fun

not meant to be taken seriously For us, volleyball is competitive, but it's all in fun.
See also: fun

make fun of somebody/something

also poke fun at somebody/something
to make someone or something seem ridiculous by making jokes about them When she first moved north, some people made fun of her southern accent.
Related vocabulary: goof on somebody
See also: fun, make, of

getting there is half the fun

what happens before doing something is a large part of what makes that thing enjoyable If you like model railroads, getting there is half the fun when you design and build your own layout.
Usage notes: also used in the form half the fun (what makes something enjoyable): Half the fun of eating out is not having any dishes to wash.
See also: fun, get, half

be more fun than a barrel of monkeys

  (American) also be as funny as a barrel of monkeys (American)
to be very funny or enjoyable Their show was one of the funniest I've ever seen - more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
See also: barrel, fun, monkey, more, of

a figure of fun

someone who people laugh at because they seem silly or stupid She's fed up with being treated as a figure of fun and insists that her ideas deserve serious attention.
See also: figure, fun, of

have fun and games

to have difficulty doing something or dealing with someone (often + doing sth) We had fun and games trying to give the dog a bath. (often + with ) She's had fun and games with the tax office.
See also: and, fun, game, have

It was fun while it lasted.

something that you say when something good has ended but you are not sorry I wouldn't have wanted more than 3 years at university, but it was fun while it lasted.
See also: fun, last

make fun of somebody/something

  also poke fun at somebody/something
to make a joke about someone or something in an unkind way At first the kids made fun of her because she spoke with a Dutch accent.
See also: fun, make, of

not be all fun and games

if an activity is not all fun and games, parts of it are difficult or unpleasant Being a tour representative isn't all fun and games, I can tell you.
See be more fun than a barrel of monkeys
See also: all, and, fun, game

Time flies when you're having fun.

something that you say which means that time passes quickly when you are enjoying yourself
Usage notes: Often used humorously when you are talking about an activity which was not enjoyable.
'I can't believe we've spent four hours cleaning this carpet.' 'Well, time flies when you're having fun.'
See also: flies, fun, have, time

for fun

1. Also, in fun. As a joke, not seriously. For example, For fun the children told the teacher it was a holiday, or Their teasing was just in fun. [Mid-1800s]
2. for the fun of it; for kicks. For pleasure or excitement. For example, He played basketball for the fun of it, or They drove around for hours, just for kicks. Also see for the hell of it.
See also: fun

fun and games

Activity for pure pleasure or diversion. For example, This job isn't all fun and games, you know, or We're just out for fun and games tonight. [Early 1900s]
See also: and, fun, game

like fun

Not really, certainly not. For example, She said she'd been skiing for years-like fun she had! or Do I want to eat raw oysters-like fun I do. This expression originated in the early 1800s with a quite different meaning, "energetically" or "vigorously," a sense now obsolete. Its present sense dates from the 1900s. Also see for fun.
See also: fun, like

make fun of

Also, poke fun at; make sport of. Mock, ridicule, as in The girls made fun of Mary's shoes, or They poked fun at Willie's haircut, or I wish you wouldn't make sport of the new boy. The first term dates from the early 1700s, the second from the mid-1800s, and the third from the early 1500s.
See also: fun, make, of

more fun than a barrel of monkeys

Very amusing or diverting, as in That video game was more fun than a barrel of monkeys. This expression, first recorded in 1895, alludes to the playful behavior of these primates.
See also: barrel, fun, monkey, more, of

poke fun at

see under make fun of.
See also: fun, poke

Are we having fun yet?

sent. & comp. abb. This isn’t the fun that you stated or implied it would be, is it? Are we having fun yet? This is really dull. Gr8t d8t! AWHFY?
See also: fun, have, we

barrel of fun

1. n. a tremendous amount of fun. We have a barrel of fun at the zoo.
2. n. a person who is a lot of fun. Taylor is just a barrel of fun on dates.
See also: barrel, fun, of


mod. pleasant; entertaining. We had a real fun time.

fun and games

n. nonsense; a waste of time. I’ve had enough fun and games. Let’s get on with the business.
See also: and, fun, game

make fun of

To mock; ridicule.
See also: fun, make, of

poke fun at

To ridicule in a mischievous manner.
See also: fun, poke

Common Names:

Nithya-Tamil, Indian, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam
Iair-Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek