
amber gambler

slang A driver who speeds through an intersection just before the traffic light is about to turn red. The middle (yellow) traffic signal is often referred to as being the color amber. Primarily heard in UK. If you keep being a reckless ambler gambler, you're going to get into a car accident soon enough!
See also: amber, gambler

an amber gambler

  (British informal)
someone who drives very fast past the lights that control traffic when the signal is about to tell them to stop She's an impatient driver - a bit of an amber gambler.
See also: amber, gambler

tinhorn gambler

An unsuccessful player. In the dice game of chuck-a-luck, backroom players tossed the dice not with their hand but out of a small metal handheld cage called the “horn” (more upscale games used leather horns). Hence, the “tin horn” noun that became the “tinhorn” adjective when applied to nickel-dime gamblers. “Tinhorn” sounds as though it might also refer to a musical instrument, and composer Frank Loesser took advantage of that sound-alike association with “Fugue for Tinhorns” in his musical Guys & Dolls.
See also: gambler

Common Names:

Maui-Hawaiian, Polynesian Mythology
Saoul-Biblical Greek