(some score) from the East German judge
An imaginary and exaggeratedly low score for some event, action, statement, or attempt deemed to be a failure or inadequate in some way. It is a reference to judges from the former country of East Germany, who were often seen as giving unfairly low scores to competitors from other countries during international sporting events. I'd say that pitiful retort would only get you 2 out of 10 from the East German judges, my friend.
German goiter
A large distended belly, as might result from heavy consumption of beer. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. I'd like to run a marathon some day, but first I need to do something about this German goiter of mine.
German virgin
In poker, a starting hand of two nines. So called due to "nine, nine" sounding like the German nein, nein, meaning "no, no." Having been dealt a German virgin right off the bat, I was hoping for a third nine to be laid on the table.
German wheel
A prop, often featured in circus performances, that looks like a life-size hamster wheel. A performer is positioned in the middle and rotates it. Come to the show, it'll be fun—there will be acrobats, trapeze artists, and people in German wheels!