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- goodbye
goodbye, cruel world
cliché An exclamation, note, or statement made immediately prior to one's death, especially by suicide. We felt as though we never had closure after Tom committed suicide. We never even knew he was contemplating taking his own life, and his note merely said "Goodbye, cruel world." The gunslinger lay on the ground, bleeding into the dust. "Goodbye, cruel world," he gasped with his last breath. And with that, he perished.
say goodbye to (something)
To lose or end something, especially suddenly; to be forced to accept such a loss or end. You were caught drinking on school property? Well, you can say goodbye to your brand new car, mister! After the final horse lost its race, I said goodbye to all the money I'd won that day at the track. You do realize that you'll be saying goodbye to all the benefits the company has to offer if you decide to work as a freelancer?
wave goodbye to (something)
To lose or end something, especially suddenly; to be forced to accept such a loss or end. You were caught drinking on school property? Well, you can wave goodbye to your brand new car, mister! After the final horse lost its race, I waved goodbye to all the money I'd won that day at the track. You do realize that you'll be waving goodbye to all the health insurance benefits the company has to offer if you decide to work as a freelancer?
you can kiss something goodbye
also you can say goodbye to something you will not get something back If you don't close your purse, you can kiss that money goodbye. If we allow these regulations to become law, you can kiss sidewalk food carts goodbye. You can say goodbye to your job if we don't get that contract.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of kiss someone goodbye (to press your lips against someone else's when you are leaving them)
kiss something goodbye
also kiss goodbye something1. to lose something If you lend him money, you should just kiss it goodbye.
2. to end something We began to argue all the time, so I kissed another relationship goodbye. You can kiss goodbye any hopes you had of winning the lottery.
kiss/say/wave goodbye to something
if you say goodbye to something, you accept that you will not have it any more or that you will not get it You can say goodbye to your £10. Tom never repays his debts.
kiss goodbye
Informal To be forced to regard as lost, ruined, or hopeless: She can kiss her vacation plans goodbye.
Common Names:
Name | Gender | Pronounced | Usage |
Ewout | | AY-vowt, AY-wowt | Dutch |
Piper | | PIEP-ər | English (Modern) |
Tiyamike | | tee-yah-MEE-kay | Southern African, Chewa |
Piritta | | PEE-reet-tah | Finnish |
Portia | | PAWR-shə | English |
Abimbola | | - | Western African, Yoruba |