
a problem shared is a problem halved

Talking about a problem with someone else usually makes it seem less daunting or troubling. Just tell me what's bothering you, honey. You know what they say—a problem shared is a problem halved.
See also: halve, problem, share

trouble shared is a trouble halved

Prov. If you tell someone about a problem you are having, or request someone's help with a problem, the problem will not seem so daunting. (Can be used to encourage someone to confide in you or ask for your help.) Jill: Is something wrong? You've seemed so depressed lately. Jane: Oh, I wouldn'twant to bother you with it. Jill: Don't be silly. A trouble shared is a trouble halved, remember.
See also: halve, share, trouble

Common Names:

Yima Kshaeta-Persian Mythology
Tidir-Northern African, Berber
Theodotus-Ancient Greek (Latinized)