
harp on one string

To dwell tediously and repeatedly upon a single subject or topic, especially in complaint. Likened to playing the same note over and over again on a harp. Mark is always harping on one string about how little money he makes. I wish he would come up with something new to talk about! I get it, you don't like your job. Quit harping on one string!
See also: harp, on, one, string

harp on the same string

To dwell tediously and repeatedly upon a single subject or topic, especially in complaint. Likened to playing the same note over and over again on a harp. Mark is always harping on the same string about how little money he makes. I wish he would come up with something new to talk about! I get it, you don't like your job. Quit harping on the same string!
See also: harp, on, same, string

harp away at (someone or something)

To complain about or dwell upon someone or something repeatedly and to the point of tediousness. Mark is always harping away at how little money he makes. I wish he would come up with something new to talk about! You need to stop harping away at your boss and just quit already!
See also: away, harp

harp on someone or something

Fig. to keep talking or complaining about someone or something; to refer to someone or something again and again. I wish you would quit harping on Jeff all the time. He couldn't be all that bad. Stop harping on my mistakes and work on your own.
See also: harp, on

keep harping on something

to continue to talk or complain about something; to keep raising a topic of conversation. (See also harp on something.) Why do you keep harping on the same old complaint? You keep harping on my problems and ignore your own!
See also: harp, keep, on

harp on something

to repeat something many times in an annoying way I'm tired of people who keep harping on what is wrong with the country.
Usage notes: said especially about complaints
See also: harp, on

harp on

Dwell on; talk or write about to a tedious and excessive extent. For example, She kept harping on the fact that she had no household help at all. This expression is a shortening of harp on the same string, meaning "to play the same note over and over." It was first recorded in 1518.
See also: harp, on

harp on

To talk about something to an excessive and tedious degree; dwell on something: Every day my teacher harps on the importance of getting to class on time.
See also: harp, on

Common Names:

KennedyKEN-ə-deeEnglish, Irish
Clematisklə-MAT-isEnglish (Rare)