

1. and hot under the collar mod. angry. Gee, that guy is really hot under the collar. What did I do?
2. mod. wanted by the police. (Underworld.) Lefty is hot because of his part in the bank job.
3. mod. stolen. Rocko won’t touch a hot watch or anything else hot.
4. mod. carrying contraband and subject to arrest if caught. Lefty was hot and needed a place to stay.
5. mod. having a run of good luck in gambling. I was hot when I started. I’m broke now.
6. mod. of great renown; doing quite well for the time being. The opera tenor was hot, and even the lowbrows would pay to hear him.
7. mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Old.) Willy was too hot to stand up.
8. mod. selling well. These things are really hot this season.
9. mod. sexy; sexually arousing. Wow, who was that hot hunk you were with?

Common Names:

Johannayo-HAH-nah (German), yo-HAHN-nah (Danish, Dutch), YO-hahn-nah (Finnish)German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian, English, Late Roman
BridgerBRIJ-ərEnglish (Modern)
Hildefons-Ancient Germanic
Romainero-MEN (French), ro-MAYN (English)French, English