babbling idiot
A person who talks excessively without making sense or saying anything of importance, sarcastically and derogatorily likened to someone with a mental deficiency. Maurice just rattled on and on like a babbling idiot last night about his schemes to get rich. I must have sounded like a babbling idiot from the way I talked about the new house.
the idiot box
slang A television set, or television in general. We need to start encouraging our children to play outside, instead of just spending hours in front of the idiot box. It saddens me that people would rather watch the idiot box than explore the world around them.
idiot light
slang A warning light on the dashboard of an automobile meant to alert the driver to a potential problem, such as engine trouble, low fuel, overheating, etc. See? You ignore the idiot light, and the car ends up breaking down in the middle of nowhere.
idiot gloves
Mittens or gloves that are attached to one's sleeves by a length of yarn or string so as to prevent their being lost. I always hated the idiot gloves my mom made me wear when I was a kid. They made me feel like such a dope!
idiot mittens
Mittens or gloves that are attached to one's sleeves by a length of yarn or string so as to prevent their being lost. I always hated the idiot mittens my mom made me wear when I was a kid. They made me feel like such a dope!
idiot box
n. a television set. You spend too much time watching the idiot box.
idiot card
n. a large card that shows people on television what to say. The floor director held up an idiot card so I could read out the telephone number.
idiot juice
and idiotic (ˈɪdiət dʒus and ɪdiˈɑdɪk) n. a mixture of ground nutmeg and water. (Prisons.) Somehow a bunch of these guys got hold of some idiot juice.
idiot light
n. a light (instead of a meter) on a car’s dashboard that indicates the state of various things concerning the operation of the car. (Alludes to these lights’ elimination of the knowledge required to interpret a meter reading, making them suitable for idiots.) I don’t want idiot lights. I want meters!
idiot oil
n. liquor; alcohol. She drinks too much of that idiot oil.
idiot pills
n. barbiturates. (Drugs.) Lay off those idiot pills, why don’t you?