
indicate something to someone

to signify something to someone. (By speech, writing, or some other sign.) Karen indicated her agreement to the lawyer. Fred indicated his assent to me.
See also: indicate

might as well

 and may as well
a phrase indicating that it is probably better to do something than not to do it. Bill: Should we try to get there for the first showing of the film? Jane: Might as well. Nothing else to do. Andy: May as well leave now. It doesn't matter if we arrive a little bit early. Jane: Why do we always have to be the first to arrive?
See also: might, well

you might as well (do something)

there is no reason you should not do something you may as well (do something) Since you have to wait, you might as well sit down and relax.
See also: might, well

Common Names:

Ireneie-REEN (English), ie-REE-nee (English), ee-RE-ne (Italian), EE-re-ne (Finnish), ee-RE-nu (German)English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, German, Ancient Greek (L
Themistocles-Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Guiscardgees-KAHRMedieval French
Makena-Eastern African, Kikuyu