
the keys to the kingdom

A resource that will give the possessor access to the most complete or profound knowledge or power possible in a given area or pursuit. A reference to Matthew 16:19, when Jesus said to Peter: "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Whatever you do, don't lose this external hard drive with all of our accounts and passwords. Anyone who has it will have the keys to the kingdom! Whichever candidate reaches the most citizens at a fundamental, grassroots level will have the keys to the kingdom securely in hand.
See also: key, kingdom

until kingdom come

For a very long, indefinite amount of time; forever. Although we don't have to pay for medical care in this country, you'll sometimes be waiting until kingdom come to receive elective treatment. My wife and her sister will talk on the phone until kingdom come if nothing interrupts them!
See also: come, kingdom, until

kingdom come

1. The end of time. Although you don't have to pay for medical care in this country, you'll sometimes be waiting until kingdom come to receive elective treatment. My wife and her sister will talk on the phone until kingdom come if nothing interrupts them!
2. Heaven; the afterlife. Often used humorously, the phrase is taken from the Lord's Prayer. You all need to be very careful not to blow us to kingdom come while doing this experiment in the lab.
See also: come, kingdom

my kingdom for a horse

I would give all that I have for the thing that I currently lack. The phrase comes from Shakespeare's Richard III, when the title character bemoans his lack of a horse in the midst of a losing battle. I'm so thirsty—ugh, my kingdom for a horse! Or, better yet, for a drink of water!
See also: horse, kingdom

blow someone or something to kingdom come

Fig. to destroy someone or something by means of an explosion. You'd better get that gas leak fixed or it will blow you and your car to kingdom come.
See also: blow, come, kingdom

till kingdom come

Fig. until the end of the world; forever. Do I have to keep assembling these units till kingdom come? I'll hate her guts till kingdom come.
See also: come, kingdom, till

blast/blow somebody/something to kingdom come

to kill someone or destroy something by using a gun or bomb Fifteen soldiers were blown to kingdom come in the attack. Police discovered a bomb which was large enough to blast the whole town to kingdom come.
See also: blast, come, kingdom

till/until kingdom come

for a very long time
Usage notes: 'Until Kingdom come' is a phrase from a prayer in the Bible and means 'until the world ends'.
I don't want to wait until kingdom come for you to decide what you're doing.
See also: come, kingdom, till

till kingdom come

mod. until the end of the world; forever. I’ll hate her guts till kingdom come.
See also: come, kingdom, till

Common Names:

Anacletoah-nah-KLE-to (Italian, Spanish)Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
WilbertVIL-bərt, WIL-bərtDutch
Emmanuele-man-WEL (French), i-MAN-yə-wəl (English), i-MAN-yəl (English)Biblical, French, English