
do me a lemon!

You must be joking; I can't believe this; that's nonsense. A slang phrase specific to London. Primarily heard in UK. Do me a lemon, man! No way I'm paying for tap water. You're going to fine me for spitting on the footpath? Do me a lemon!

lemon law

A law requiring an automobile manufacturer or dealer to replace, repair, or refund the cost of an automobile that proves to be defective after purchase. The automotive company will be shelling out millions of dollars in refunds for faulty ignition switches because congress passed much tighter lemon laws this summer.
See also: law, lemon

(go) suck a lemon

An expression of anger, scorn, or disdain. Primarily heard in US, Canada. Charles: "You never do any chores around the house, you just leave them for the rest of us!" Sam: "Oh, go suck a lemon, Charles! I don't have to listen to your crap." I can't believe you told your teacher to suck a lemon after she yelled at you.
See also: lemon, suck

when life gives you lemons, make lemonade

Focus on the good in a bad situation and take action accordingly. While I was devastated to lose my job, being unemployed gave me the time to finally go back to school. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right?
See also: give, life, make

Common Names:

JurajYOO-rahy (Croatian)Croatian, Slovak
Sudarshan-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada
Dedrick-African American