
get a lot of mileage out of something

Fig. to get a lot of use from something, as if it were a car. Bob always got a lot of mileage out of one joke. I got a lot of mileage out of my TV before it broke down.
See also: get, lot, mileage, of, out

get some kind of mileage out of something

1. Lit. to achieve some level of efficiency with a vehicle. (Some kind of typically includes more, better, good, etc.) Do you get good mileage out of a vehicle like this.
2. Fig. to get [sufficient] use or service from something. I wish I could get better mileage out of this car. He knows how to get a lot of mileage out of a pair of shoes.
See also: get, kind, mileage, of, out

get mileage out of

Make use of, obtain service from, as in The chorus got a lot of mileage out of that publicity, or You won't get much mileage out of that old TV set. This expression alludes to the number of miles of travel yielded by a given amount of fuel, a tire, or other auto equipment. [Colloquial; mid-1900s]
See also: get, mileage, of, out

Your mileage may vary. and YMMV

sent. & comp. abb. You may have a different experience or different results. It worked for me. Your mileage may vary.
See also: and, may, mileage

Common Names:

AidanAY-dənIrish, Scottish, English (Modern)
Kephalos-Greek Mythology