
mount resistance

To try to stop or keep something from happening. I'm worried that the townspeople are going to mount resistance once they learn that yet another tax has been levied against them.
See also: mount, resistance

mount something against someone or something

to create or instigate something against someone or something. The prosecutor mounted a questionable case against Robert. The state mounted a very complex case against the company.
See also: mount

mount something on something

to place or attach something onto something. Mount the butterflies on plain white paper. Sue mounted her favorite stamps on a display board.
See also: mount, on

mount up

1. to get up on a horse. Mount up and let's get out of here! Please mount up so we can leave.
2. [for something] to increase in amount or extent. Expenses really mount up when you travel. Medical expenses mount up very fast when you're in the hospital.
See also: mount, up

Common Names:

Andronikos-Ancient Greek