中文 – 简体
a strategy; a plan of action.
That was a bad play, Bill. We lost the account.
an attractive investment; a way to make some money in the securities markets.
I just heard about a good play in the options market.
the fool
To act in an irresponsible or foolish manner.
To behave in a playful or comical manner.
a level playing field
a part to play
a play on words
act the fool
act the goat
against the run of play
all work and no play
all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
allow (something) full play
allow full play
at full blast
at play
be child's play
be played like a fiddle
bring into play
by the book
child's play
close of play
come into play
cry heart out
don't play (around) with me
end of play
fair play
few bricks short of a load
for keeps
foul play
game that two can play
game that two can play, that's a
get played like a fiddle
go play in (the) traffic
grandstand play
grandstand play, make a
have a part in (something)
have a role in (something)
hide and seek
if there's grass on the field, play ball
if there's grass on the pitch, play ball
If you play with fire, you get burned
If you play with fire, you get burnt
in play
keep cards close to chest
level playing field
level the playing field
long-playing record
make a grandstand play
make a play
make a play for
make great play of
musical chairs, play
Nice play, Shakespeare!
not playing with a full deck
old warhorse
out of play
part to play
party and play
play (all) the angles
play (one's) cards close to (one's) chest
play (one's) cards close to (one's) vest
play (one's) cards well
play (someone) like a fiddle
play (something) close to (one's) chest
play (the) wag
play a big part
play a bit part
play a blinder
play a good knife and fork
play a joke
play a joke on
play a large part
play a losing game
play a part in
play a role in (something)
play a straight bat
play a trick on
play a waiting game
play about
play ace
play against
play along
play around
play around with
play around with someone
play as
play at
play at own game
play away from home
play back
play ball
play ball with
play ball with someone
play both ends
play both ends against the middle
play both sides against the middle
play by ear
play cards
play cards close to chest
play cards right
play cat and mouse
play cat and mouse with
play catch-up
play dead
play devil's advocate
play dirty
play down
play down to
play ducks and drakes with
play dumb
play each end against the other
play each side against the other
play fair
play false
play fast and loose
play fast and loose with
play fast and loose with someone/something
play favourites
play first chair
play first fiddle
play footsie
play footsie with
play for
play for a fool
play for a sucker
play for keeps
play for laughs
play for love
play for time
play freeze-out
play games
play God
play gooseberry
play hard to get
play hardball
play hardball with someone
play havoc
play havoc with
play hell
play hell with
play hell with someone/something
play hide and seek
play hide the sausage
play hooky
play ignorant
play in
play in Peoria
play in the big leagues
play innocent
play into hands
play into the hands of
play it by ear
play it close to one's chest
play it cool
play it for all it's worth
play it safe
play it straight
play like
play musical chairs
play off
play off against
play Old Harry with (something)
play on
play on heartstrings
play on words
play one against another
play one end against the other
play one off against another/each other/the other
play one side against the other
play one's cards right
play out
play out of your skin
play over
play part
play phone tag
play politics
play possum
play Russian roulette
play safe
play second fiddle
play silly buggers
play someone for a fool
play telephone tag
play the devil with
play the devil with someone/something
play the dozens
play the field
play the fool
play the game
play the gender card
play the goat
play the hand (one) is dealt
play the heavy
play the market
play the papers
play the ponies
play the race card
play the waiting game
play through
play to
play to the crowd
play to the gallery
play to win
play tonsil hockey
play tricks on
play truant
play trump card
play up
play up to
play well with others
play with
play with a full deck
play with fire
play with loaded dice
play-by-play description
played out
power play
raise havoc with
raise hob with
roll over and play dead
run of play
squeeze play
Take a long walk off a short pier
the state of play
the way it plays
There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle
trump card
Turnabout is fair play
two can play at that game
two can play that game
Two can play this game
way it plays
When the cat's away, the mice will play
Common Names:
English (Rare)
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