
raring to go

to be ready and excited to begin doing something The lawyers were raring to go Monday afternoon when the judge started the hearing.
Usage notes: sometimes spelled rarin' to go to show how it is said: Sometimes she'd wake up at five in the morning and was rarin' to go.
See also: raring

be raring to go

to be full of energy and ready to do something At three in the morning he was still wide awake and raring to go.
See also: raring

raring to go

Very eager to begin, as in The children were all dressed and raring to go. This idiom uses raring for rearing, and alludes to a horse's standing on its hind legs when it is anxious to get moving. [Early 1900s]
See also: raring

raring to go

mod. anxious and eager to go. Come on, I’m raring to go!
See also: raring

Common Names:

ShariSHER-ee, SHAR-eeEnglish
Puneet-Indian, Hindi, Marathi