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get religion
Fig. to become serious (about something), usually after a powerful experience. (Sometimes literal.) When I had an automobile accident, I really got religion. Now I'm a very safe driver.
somebody gets religion
someone's behavior suddenly changes because of a better understanding of something
After the attacks, the administration suddenly got religion about tracking down terrorists' bank accounts. Usage notes: usually said to show you think someone should have changed their behavior sooner
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of get religion (to suddenly become very religious)
get religion
1. (humorous) to become very religious He suddenly got religion when he went to college.
2. (American humorous) to start doing something in a serious and careful way I get religion each time I do my income tax - I always wonder why I didn't keep better records.
get religion
Be converted; also, decide to behave in an upright, ethical way. For example, After the children were born, John got religion and joined the church, or After years of total selfishness, she suddenly got religion and is doing all kinds of volunteer work . [Second half of 1700s]
get religion
Informal 1. To become religious or devout.
2. To resolve to end one's immoral behavior.
Common Names:
Name | Gender | Pronounced | Usage |
Matilda | | [mə'ti:ldə] | |
Noya | | - | Hebrew |
Veer | | VI:R | Dutch, Limburgish |
Victoria | | vik-TAWR-ee-ə (English), vik-TO-ree-ah (German) | English, Spanish, Romanian, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Late Roman, Roman Mythology |
Nohemi | | - | Spanish |
Bader | | ['beidə] | |