
get the runaround

To receive unclear, misleading, incomplete, or evasive information, especially in a response to a question or request. I always get the runaround when I call the telephone company to explain all these extra charges. The reporter tried to get a clear answer from the senator regarding her stance on immigration, but he just got the runaround.
See also: get, runaround


a series of excuses, delays, and referrals. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) You'll get the runaround if you ask to see the manager. I hate it when they give me the runaround.

give somebody the runaround

to act in a way which makes it difficult for someone to do something, for example by refusing to tell them things they need to know I'm trying to get a visa, but the embassy staff keep giving me the runaround. (informal)
See also: give, runaround

get the runaround

Be treated evasively or misleadingly, especially in response to a request. For example, Every time I ask about next year's plans I get the runaround. The related expression give the runaround means "to treat evasively or misleadingly," as in He gives her the runaround whenever she asks for time off. [Early 1900s]
See also: get, runaround


n. a wild-goose chase. (Especially with give, as in the examples.) The IRS gave us the runaround when we asked for a review.

Common Names:

LilacLIE-ləkEnglish (Rare)
Dorotheado-ro-TE-ah (German), dawr-ə-THEE-ə (English)German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, English, Late Greek