
chew the scenery

To be exaggeratedly or flamboyantly melodramatic or overly emotional while acting a role, as for television, theater, or film. I hated working with him on that play—every night he'd go out and chew the scenery so much that he was the only one the audience noticed! I love watching hammy actors chew the scenery in bad movies.
See also: chew, scenery

chew on the scenery

To be exaggeratedly or flamboyantly melodramatic or overly emotional while acting a role, as for television, theater, or film. I hated working with him on that play—every night he'd go out and chew on the scenery so much that he was the only one the audience noticed! I love watching hammy actors chew on the scenery in bad movies.
See also: chew, on, scenery

chew up the scenery

To be exaggeratedly or flamboyantly melodramatic or overly emotional while acting a role, as for television, theater, or film. I hated working with him on that play—every night he'd go out and chew up the scenery so much that he was the only one the audience noticed! I love watching hammy actors chew up the scenery in bad movies.
See also: chew, scenery, up

change of scenery

a move to a different place, where the surroundings are different. I thought I would go to the country for a change of scenery. A change of scenery would help me relax and organize my life.
See also: change, of, scenery

Common Names:

Raghu-Hinduism, Indian, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam
SageSAYJEnglish (Modern)
HelahHEE-lə (English)Biblical