
scour something for someone or something

to look carefully and thoroughly in something for someone or something. I scoured the entire roster of members for a person who would agree to run for president. The police scoured the entire area for any sign of the suspects.
See also: scour

scour something off (of) something

 and scour something off
to clean something off something else by scouring. (Of is usually retained before pronouns.) See if you can scour the rust off the cookie sheet. I will scour off the rust with steel wool.
See also: off, scour

scour something out

to clean something out by scouring. Would you scour the pans out? Please scour out the pansdon't just wash them.
See also: out, scour

scour something out of something

to clean something out of something by scouring. Did you scour the rust out of the pan? Please scour the burned material out of the bowl.
See also: of, out, scour

Common Names:

Zhenya-Russian, Bulgarian
Djehutimose-Ancient Egyptian
AngÉLicaahn-GE-lee-kah (Spanish)Spanish, Portuguese
Arnborg-Swedish (Rare)