
shove it/something up (one's) ass

A rude, vulgar invective expressing disdain, contempt, disgust, or anger to someone (about something). Primarily heard in US. I've taken enough of the boss's crap—he can shove this job up his ass! Bill: "You're acting like a fool, Dave. You need to sober up and get your life in order." Dave: "Ah, shove it up your ass, Bill! You don't know what's best for me!"
See also: ass, shove, up

shove over

To move one's position so as to make more space available for another person. I wish this car ahead of us would just shove over a tiny bit so we could pass him! Tell John to shove over so we can fit everyone at the table.
See also: shove

tell (one) where to shove it

An expression of frustration or anger. The phrase encourages the person in question to shove something up his or her buttocks. If she assigns me one more project, I'm going to tell her where to shove it! A: "How did you end up in jail?" B: "Well, the officer tried to give me a parking ticket, and I told him where to shove it."
See also: shove, tell

(I) have to shove off.

 and (I've) got to be shoving off.; (I've) got to shove off.; (I) have to push off.; (It's) time to shove off.
a phrase announcing one's need to depart. John: Look at the time! I have to shove off! Jane: Bye, John. Jane: Time to shove off. I have to feed the cats. John: Bye, Jane. Fred: I have to push off. Bye. Jane: See you around. Bye.
See also: have, off, shove

push off

 and shove off
to leave. (As if one were pushing a boat away from a dock.) Well, it looks like it's time to push off. It's time to go. Let's shove off.
See also: off, push

push (oneself) off (on something)

[for someone in a boat] to apply pressure to something on the shore, thus propelling the boat and oneself away. The weekend sailor pushed himself off on the boat he had been moored to. We pushed off on the dock.
See also: off, push

push someone or something off (of) someone or something

 and push someone or something off
to apply pressure to and force someone or something off someone or something. (Of is usually retained before pronouns.) He continued to come at me, but I managed to push him off me and escape. I pushed off the attacker.
See also: off, push

shove one's way (somewhere)

to make a path through a crowd by pushing. The impatient man shoved his way through the crowd. The reporter shoved her way to the front of the crowd.
See also: shove, way

shove someone around

1. Lit. to push someone around. The bigger boys shoved him around easily because he is so small, Karen shoved around the little kids until they got mad at her.
2. Fig. to harass someone. Stop shoving me around! Who do you think you are? Do you think you can shove around just anybody?
See also: around, shove

shove someone or something down someone's throat

 and ram someone or something down someone's throat; force someone or something down someone's throat 
1. Lit. to force someone to swallow something. The harsh nurse forced the medicine down the patient's throat. The zookeepers rammed the food down the python's throat.
2. Fig. to force someone to accept something. Don't try to force that car down my throat! I don't want it! You can't force that nonsense down my throat! I don't want any more insurance, and I don't want anyone to shove any insurance down my throat. Mary isn't invited to my party, and I don't wish for anyone to ram her down my throat!
See also: down, shove, throat

when push comes to shove

 and if push comes to shove
Fig. when things get a little pressed; when the situation gets more active or intense. When push comes to shove, you know I'll be on your side. If push comes to shove at the meeting, the front office can back you up with some statistics.
See also: come, push, shove

push off

to leave The settlers who pushed off for the far west opened the land for farming.
See also: off, push

when push comes to shove

also if push comes to shove
when all the easy solutions to a problem have not worked, and something must be done Only a few people will really come through for you when push comes to shove.
See also: come, push, shove

Shove/Stick something up your arse!

something that you say in order to tell someone in a very angry way that you do not want or need something they could give you Tell Mr Peabody he can take his job and shove it up his arse!
See Kiss my arse!, Lick my arse!, sit on arse, talk out of arse, work arse off
See also: shove, up

if/when push comes to shove

if you say that something can be done if push comes to shove, you mean that it can be done if the situation becomes so bad that you have to do it Look, if push comes to shove we'll just have to sell the car.
See also: come, if, push, shove

push comes to shove, if

Also, when push comes to shove. When matters must be confronted, when a crucial point is reached, as in If push comes to shove, the Federal Reserve Board will lower the interest rate, or They supposedly support equality, but when push comes to shove they always seem to promote a man instead of a woman . This term comes from rugby, where, after an infraction of rules, forwards from each team face off and push against one another until one player can kick the ball to a teammate and resume the game. Its figurative use dates from the 1950s. Also see the synonym if worst comes to worst.
See also: come, if, push

push off

Also, shove off. Leave, set out, depart, as in The patrol pushed off before dawn, or It's time to shove off. This usage alludes to the literal meaning of a person in a boat pushing against the bank or dock to move away from the shore. [Colloquial; early 1900s]
See also: off, push

ram down someone's throat

Also, shove down someone's throat. Compel to accept or consider, as in That salesman tried to ram a life insurance policy down my throat, or She has a way of shoving her political views down your throat. These terms transfer forcing one to swallow something to forcing acceptance of an object or idea.
See also: down, ram, throat

stick it

1. Continue what one is doing, endure something to the end, as in I hate large parties but I promised her I'd stick it to the end. [Early 1900s] Also see stick out, def. 2.
2. Also, stick it or shove it up one's ass . Do whatever you like with it, I don't want it, as in Do that job all over again? Why don't you stick it?, or Tell the chef he can take this fish and shove it up his ass. This vulgar slangy idiom, which uses stick in the sense of "thrust inward or upward," also functions as a variant of up yours. [Second half of 1800s]
See also: stick

push off

1. To shove or thrust something or someone from a place: She climbed up to the roof and pushed off the snow. He pushed a glass off the table, and it shattered.
2. To set out; depart: The infantry patrol pushed off before dawn.
3. To launch or move away by pushing against a surface: I can jump higher when I push off the ground with my left foot. We got in the boat and pushed off from the dock.
See also: off, push

shove around

To give someone orders in a forceful or unpleasant way; bully someone: We refuse to allow corporate lawyers to shove us around. The restaurant management shoved around the employees.
See also: around, shove

shove off

1. To push some boat away from shore in leaving: The captain leaned over the gunwale and shoved off from the dock.
2. To leave: I had better shove off, or I will be late. Shove off!—I'm sick of your complaining!
See also: off, shove


tv. to pass counterfeit money. (Underworld.) She got sent up for three years for shoving funny-money.

when push comes to shove

and if push comes to shove
phr. when things get a little pressed; when the situation gets more active or intense. If push comes to shove, the front office can help with some statistics.
See also: come, push, shove

if push comes to shove

See also: come, if, push, shove

Common Names:

Aristoteles-Ancient Greek
JehuJEE-hyoo (English)Biblical
Sophieso-FEE (French), SO-fee (English), ZO-fee (German)French, English, German, Dutch
Franco (2)FRAHN-koItalian
Gedaliahged-ə-LIE-ə (English)Biblical
RÍGhnach-Irish Mythology