

1. mod. honest; unembellished. Have I ever been anything but straight with you?
2. n. a tobacco cigarette; a tobacco cigarette butt. (see also slim.) No, I want a straight. That spliff makes me sneeze.
3. mod. having to do with undiluted liquor. I’ll take mine straight.
4. mod. relieved and satisfied by a dose of drugs. (Drugs.) She will be straight for a few hours, and then the same struggle all over again—all through the night.
5. mod. off drugs; no longer addicted to drugs. I’m straight now, and I’m gonna stay that way.
6. n. a square person (who does not use drugs, etc.). The straights are putting pressure on city hall to clean up this neighborhood.
7. n. a nonhomosexual; a heterosexual. (Often from the homosexual point of view.) Walter invited a few straights to the affair, just to keep things calm.
8. mod. not homosexual; not having a homosexual orientation. He wandered into a straight bar by mistake.
9. mod. excellent. This news is truly straight and I am happy to hear it.
10. mod. satisfied; having enough food or anything. Another beer? No thanks. I’m straight.

Common Names:

Alyssiaə-LIS-yəEnglish (Modern)
HelmaHEL-mahGerman, Dutch
Akeem-African American