
cramp (one's) style

To inhibit or interfere with what one wants to do. Ugh, having a test on Monday is really cramping my style. I just want to party all weekend! My parents coming to stay with me this weekend is totally going to cramp my style. When am I supposed to get anything done?
See also: cramp, style

execution style

Describing a shooting in which the victim is conscious and shot at close range, often with no means of escape. I'm terrified to go into that neighborhood now that I've heard about the execution style shootings that have happened there.
See also: style

(the/an/one's) artistic style

The distinctive qualities of a particular artist or artistic movement. How would you describe Reubens' artistic style? That painting is clearly in the artistic style of the impressionists.
See also: artistic, style

after the fashion of

In a manner or style imitative of someone or something else. When John F. Kennedy was president, many women dressed after the fashion of his wife, Jacqueline. I think that classical piece is after the fashion of the Baroque masters.
See also: after, fashion, of

after the style of

In a manner or style imitative of someone or something else. When John F. Kennedy was president, many women dressed after the style of his wife, Jacqueline. I think that classical piece is after the style of the Baroque masters.
See also: after, of, style

after the fashion of someone or something

 and after the style of someone or something
in the manner or style of someone or something. She walks down the street after the fashion of a grand lady. The parish church was built after the style of a French cathedral.
See also: after, fashion, of

cramp someone's style

Fig. to limit someone in some way. I hope this doesn't cramp your style, but could you please not hum while you work? To ask Bob to keep regular hours would really be cramping his style.
See also: cramp, style

go out

1. to leave one's house. Call me later. I'm going out now. Sally told her father that she was going out.
2. to become extinguished. The fire finally went out. The lights went out and left us in the dark.
3. Go to go out of fashion.
See also: out

go out

 (for something)
1. Lit. to go outside to get something or to do something. Jill just went out for a breath of fresh air. He just went out, and should be back any minute.
2. Fig. to try out for something. (Usually refers to a sport.) Mary went out for the soccer team. Tom went out for baseball.
See also: out

go out of fashion

 and go out of style; go out
to become unfashionable; to become obsolete. That kind of furniture went out of style years ago. I hope this kind of thing never goes out of fashion. It went out years ago.
See also: fashion, of, out

go out

(of something) to leave something or some place. I went out of there feeling sorry for myself. I went out with a smile on my face.
See also: out

go out

 (with someone)
1. Lit. to go out with someone for entertainment. The Smiths went out with the Franklins to a movie. Those guys don't have much time to go out.
2. Fig. to go on a date with someone; to date someone regularly. Is Bob still going out with Sally? No, they've stopped going out.
See also: out

in fashion

in style; current and socially acceptable. Is that kind of thing still in fashion? It won't be in fashion very long.
See also: fashion

in style

1. Lit. in fashion; fashionable. This old coat isn't in style anymore. I don't care if it's not in style. It's warm. I hope this coat comes into style again.
2. Fig. in elegance; in luxury. If I had a million dollars, I could really live in style. If he saves his money, someday he'll be able to live in style.
See also: style

like it was going out of style

Fig. rapidly or frequently. I'm worried about Sally. She's taking aspirin like it's going out of style. The kids have been eating sweet corn like it was going out of style.
See also: going, like, of, out, style

out of style

 and out of fashion
not fashionable; old-fashioned; obsolete. (See also go out of fashion.) John's clothes are really out of style. He doesn't care if his clothes are out of fashion.
See also: of, out, style

spend money like it's going out of style

 and spend money like there's no tomorrow
Fig. to spend money recklessly; to spend money as if it were worthless or will soon be worthless. Extravagant? she spends money like it's going out of style! I can't control it. I spend money like there is no tomorrow.
See also: going, like, money, of, out, spend, style

go out (with somebody)

to have a romantic relationship with someone How long have you been going out with him? My husband and I worry about what we are going to do when our daughter starts going out.
See also: out

cramp somebody's style

to prevent someone from doing something freely, esp. something they enjoy Bringing her mother along on the trip would definitely cramp her style.
See also: cramp, style

cramp somebody's style

to prevent someone from enjoying themselves as much as they would like, especially by going somewhere with them Are you sure you don't mind your old mother coming along with you? I'd hate to cramp your style.
See also: cramp, style

cramp someone's style

Restrict or prevent someone from free action or expression, as in It really cramps my style when Mom hovers around me while I'm making dinner. Although in 1819 Charles Lamb complained that using different inks cramped his style of writing, the present sense of this colloquial term dates only from the early 1900s.
See also: cramp, style

go out

1. Be extinguished, as in All the lights went out. [c. 1400]
2. Die; also, faint. For example, I want to go out before I become senile, or At the sight of blood he went out like a light. The first usage dates from about 1700 and was at first put go out of the world. For the variant, see under out cold.
3. Take part in social life outside the home, as in We go out a lot during the holiday season. This usage dates from the second half of the 1700s and gave rise to go out with someone, meaning "to date someone."
4. Stop working, as in To show their support of the auto workers, the steel workers went out too. This expression is short for go out on strike. [Late 1800s]
5. Become unfashionable, as in Bell-bottom pants went out in the 1970s but made a comeback in the 1990s. This usage is sometimes amplified to go out of fashion or go out of style, as in This kind of film has gone out of fashion, or These boots are going out of style. [Late 1400s]
6. Cease to function as before. This sense appears in go out of print, said of a book that will no longer be printed. Also see the subsequent idioms beginning with go out.
See also: out

go out of fashion

Also, go out of style. See under go out, def. 5.
See also: fashion, of, out

in fashion

Also, in style. See under go out, def. 5.
See also: fashion

in style

see under go out, def. 5.
See also: style

out of fashion

Also, out of style. See go out, def. 5.
See also: fashion, of, out

go out

1. To leave a building, region, or other place: Let's go out and look at the stars. I went out for a cigarette. The children went out to play in the snow. We went out on the porch. Instead of cooking, let's go out for dinner tonight. We ran out of rice, so I went out for some more. The seas are too rough for the ships to go out today.
2. To exit through something: Go out the back door so that no one sees you.
3. To recede from the land. Used of tides: When the tide goes out, we collect shells along the shore.
4. To leave the boundary of a game: If you kick the ball and it goes out, the other team gets control.
5. To take an active role in accomplishing something. Used with and: You should go out and get a lawyer if you want to win this case.
6. To make a trip, especially to some distant or remote location: We went out to the country to visit the dairy farm. This ferry goes out to the islands.
7. To be sent, broadcast, or disseminated: The package went out last week. The invitations went out two weeks before the party. The word went out that the couple was getting a divorce.
8. To have something, such as one's thoughts, heart, or sympathy, preoccupied with or affected by someone's suffering: Our hearts go out to the victims of the fire.
9. To take part in social life outside the home: I go out every Friday night. Let's go out tonight and see a movie. On our last date, we went out for ice cream. I'm going out to meet some friends at the mall. I went out to dinner with my parents.
10. To collapse structurally: The bridge went out after the heavy rains.
11. To become extinguished: The children were frightened when the lights went out. The power went out during the storm. We stayed up and talked until the fire went out.
12. To become unfashionable: Big collars are going out of fashion. High boots went out last year.
13. To be in a steady romantic relationship with someone: They started going out a couple of months ago, and now they are inseparable. She had been going out with him for three years before they got married.
14. go out for To undergo a competitive qualifying test for some athletic team: If you plan to go out for the basketball team this year, you had better start practicing. I've gone out for the swim team every year, but I've never made it.
See also: out


and dog-fashion and dog-style
mod. [copulation] in the manner of dogs, that is, with the male approaching from the rear. They did it dog-style, so they could both watch television. Dog-ways, mish, it’s all good!




in. to show off; to strut around. (see also strut one’s stuff.) Why don’t you style over here and meet my man?


n. looking good; showing off how good one looks. Dave thinks that stylin’ is his sole occupation.
See also: style

cramp (one's) style

To restrict or prevent from free action or expression.
See also: cramp, style

Common Names:

Havel-Czech, Slovak
Donatus-Late Roman