
suss someone out

Sl. to try to figure someone out. I can't seem to suss Tom out. What a strange guy. I don't have any luck sussing out people I don't know well.
See also: out, suss

suss out

v. Slang
1. To infer or discover something; figure something out: The spy sussed out our plans before we began. I don't know his intentions, but I plan to suss them out.
2. To study and evaluate someone; size someone up: They sussed me out and decided I was trustworthy. She's good at sussing out people who apply for the job.
See also: out, suss

suss someone out

tv. to try to figure someone out. I can’t seem to suss Tom out. What a strange guy.
See also: out, suss

Common Names:

Takhma Urupi-Persian Mythology
ElinaE-lee-nah (Finnish), e-LEE-nah (Swedish)Finnish, Swedish
Guenevere-Arthurian Romance
Adamu-Old Church Slavic
Vercingetorixwer-keeng-GE-to-reeks (Ancient Roman), vur-sin-JET-ə-riks (English)Ancient Celtic