
tangled web

A convoluted situation usually caused by some form of deception. The investigation revealed a tangled web of fraud among the members of the political party.
See also: tangled, web

tangled up with somebody

involved with someone The boy had gotten tangled up with a bad bunch of kids and was in serious trouble.
Usage notes: usually said about someone who causes you trouble
See also: tangled, up

tangled up with something

also tangled up in something
involved in something that is difficult to get out of It is a huge mistake to get tangled up with drugs. The Development Commission got tangled up in a controversy and lawsuit over a gravel plant located along the railroad tracks.
See also: tangled, up

a tangled web

a situation that is very complicated and where many people are behaving dishonestly (usually + of ) The inquiry revealed a tangled web of fraud and deception among the agents.
See also: tangled, web

Common Names:

EmilijaEM-ee-lee-yah (Serbian, Croatian)Lithuanian, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian