
in the unlikely event (that) (something) happens

If a very improbable outcome turns out to be the case. I wouldn't worry too much, but in the unlikely event that you lose your job, you can always come live with us for a while. In the unlikely event I win the lottery, the first thing I would do is travel to Jamaica.
See also: event, happen, unlikely

in the unlikely event of something

 and in the unlikely event that something happens
if something—which probably will not happen—actually happens. In the unlikely event of my getting the job, I'll have to buy a car to get there every day. In the unlikely event of a fire, please walk quickly to an exit.
See also: event, of, unlikely

in the unlikely event

If something improbable should occur. For example, In the unlikely event that I'm held up, please cover for me, or In the unlikely event that we should have snow in May, we're still well equipped to cope with it . Also see under in case, def. 2.
See also: event, unlikely

Common Names:

Callias-Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Gunnr-Norse Mythology
Ion (2)-Greek Mythology
Coleman-English, Irish