Our enthusiastic community of dedicated editors ensures we stay current with the most recent and exciting abbreviations and shorthands.
Abbreviation | Definition |
AWPI | Asosiasi Wartawan Profesional Indonesia |
AWPI | Aboriginal Workforce Participation Initiative |
AWPI | American Wood Preservers Institute |
AWPI | Artists Welfare Project Inc |
AWPI | Artists Welfare Project Inc |
AWPI | Airtasker Wage Price Index |
AWPI | Anomalous Wave Propagation Imaging |
AWPI | Area Work Platforms Inc |
TT | Traveler Tree |
NUIN | Northwestern University Interdepartmental Neurosciences |
NUIN | Northwestern University Institute for Neuroscience |
NUIN | Northwestern University Institute for Neuroscience |
VPAS | Vehicle Pressure Acquisition System |
VPAS | Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme |
VPAS | Vice President of Administrative Services |
VPAS | Voluntary Pricing and Access Scheme |
VPAS | Visa Passport Automated System |
IPGS | Intellectual Property Guarantee Scheme |
IPGS | Immigration Population Growth and Skills |
IPGS | Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg |
IPGS | Imperial Polk Genealogical Society |
FF | Financial Flow |
FF | Financial Flow |
CCRI | Collaborative Community Response Initiative |
CCRI | Circular Cities and Regions Initiative |