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fourth wall joke
In fiction, especially theater, film, or television, a joke that intentionally draws attention to the illusion of separation between the audience and the fiction itself. I love it when a TV show throws in a good fourth wall joke—I think it's fun being in on the humor like that.
*knee-high by the 4th of July
Fig. grown as tall as it should. (Corn seedlings are proverbially supposed to be as high as someone's knee by July 4th.) (*Typically: be ~; become ~; grow ~.) What with this drought, I don't think the crop will be knee-high by the 4th of July. It's gonna be a good year. Knee-high by the 4th of July.
Common Names:
Name | Gender | Pronounced | Usage |
Hannibal | | HAN-i-bəl (English) | Ancient Near Eastern (Latinized), History |
Marten | | MAHR-tən | Dutch |
Gustav | | GOO-stahf (German) | Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German |
Elham | | - | Persian |
Hendrik | | HEN-drik (Dutch, German) | Dutch, German, Estonian |
Sawyer | | SOI-ər, SAW-yər | English (Modern) |