
be as old as Methuselah

To be very old or elderly. In the Bible, Methuselah lived 969 years. I know I'll have a long life because my grandparents were as old as Methuselah when they died. Of course she can't use a smartphone, she's as old as Methuselah!
See also: Methuselah, old

*old as Methuselah

very old. (Of a person; refers to a biblical figure held to have lived to be 969. *Also: as ~.) Old Professor Stone is as old as Methusehah but still gets around with a cane.
See also: Methuselah, old

be as old as Methuselah

if someone is as old as Methuselah, they are very old
Usage notes: Methuselah was a character from the Bible who lived until he was 969.
I was a young boy at the time so to me he looked as old as Methuselah but he was probably only in his sixties.
See also: Methuselah, old

Common Names:

Abraam-Biblical Greek, Georgian