
speak of the devil, and he is sure to appear

An acknowledgment of a person who has arrived just as or after he or she was being discussed. John: "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late!" Dave: "Well, speak of the devil, and he is sure to appear! We were just talking about something funny you said the other day."
See also: and, appear, he, of, speak, sure

speak of the devil, and he shall appear

An acknowledgment of a person who has arrived just as or after he or she was being discussed. John: "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late!" Dave: "Well, speak of the devil, and he shall appear! We were just talking about something funny you said the other day."
See also: and, appear, he, of, shall, speak

speak of the devil, and he will appear

An acknowledgment of a person who has arrived just as or after he or she was being discussed. John: "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late!" Dave: "Well, speak of the devil, and he will appear! We were just talking about something funny you said the other day."
See also: and, appear, he, of, speak, will

talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear

An acknowledgment of a person who has arrived just as or after he or she was being discussed. John: "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late!" Dave: "Well, talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear! We were just chatting about something funny you said the other day."
See also: and, appear, bound, he, of, talk

talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear

An acknowledgment of a person who has arrived just as or after he or she was being discussed. John: "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late!" Dave: "Well, talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear! We were just chatting about something funny you said the other day."
See also: and, appear, he, of, sure, talk

talk of the devil, and he shall appear

An acknowledgment of a person who has arrived just as or after he or she was being discussed. John: "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late!" Dave: "Well, talk of the devil, and he shall appear! We were just chatting about something funny you said the other day."
See also: and, appear, he, of, shall, talk

talk of the devil, and he will appear

An acknowledgment of a person who has arrived just as or after he or she was being discussed. John: "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late!" Dave: "Well, talk of the devil, and he will appear! We were just chatting about something funny you said the other day."
See also: and, appear, he, of, talk, will

speak of the devil, and he appears

An acknowledgment of a person who has arrived just as or after he or she was being discussed. John: "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late!" Dave: "Well, speak of the devil, and he appears! We were just talking about something funny you said the other day."
See also: and, appear, he, of, speak

appear as

1. To have certain characteristics, often ones that are similar to something else. Cancerous cysts can sometimes appear as normal ones at first, so we have to do further testing.
2. To act, as in a play or movie. My agent has been getting a lot of calls about me ever since I appeared as Elphaba in Wicked.
See also: appear

appear at

To arrive at or be in a particular location at a certain time. My sister's favorite singer is appearing at the mall today. I'm stuck in traffic, so I won't appear at the party for awhile.
See also: appear

appear before

1. To participate in legal proceedings. I'm so nervous to appear before the judge today.
2. To suddenly become visible to one. I had to slam on my brakes when that pedestrian just appeared before me.
3. To arrive early for something. I am locking that door at exactly 10:01, so I suggest you appear before the exam starts.
See also: appear, before

appear for

To stand in or act as a proxy for another person. I am appearing for my daughter, who was too upset to come to the funeral. Because Professor Jones can't attend the meeting tomorrow, he has asked his teaching assistant to appear for him.
See also: appear

appear in

1. To wear a particular outfit or accessory in public. I don't want to appear in a gown if all of the other women are in cocktail dresses.
2. To act, as in a play or movie. My agent has been getting a lot of calls about me ever since I appeared in Wicked.
See also: appear

appear in court

To participate in legal proceedings. My lawyer and I have to appear in court today.
See also: appear, court

appear on

1. To suddenly become visible on something. That cat just appeared on my porch! Is he yours? The rash first appeared on my daughter last night, doctor.
2. To act, typically on television or in a play. Early in her acting career, she appeared on many TV shows. That actress hasn't appeared on stage in years.
See also: appear, on

appear to

1. To seem like. It appears to me that she isn't interested in this project, as she hasn't attended one meeting. I left early because it appeared to me that you weren't coming. It appears to be genuine, but we'll have to get an expert to examine it.
2. To become visible to someone. I'm telling you, the Virgin Mary appeared to me in a vision last night.
See also: appear

appear under the name (of)

To do something publicly (such as acting or writing) using a name other than one's birth name. A: "I don't see your sister in the playbill." B: "Oh, when she acts, she appears under the name R.A. Smith."
See also: appear, name

appear as something

1. to act a certain part in a play, opera, etc. Madame Smith-Franklin appeared as Carmen at the City Opera last season. The actor refused to appear as a villain in the play.
2. [for something] to be seen or occur in a particular form or with particular characteristics. The tumors appear as shadows on the X-ray. The first signs of the disease appear as a fever and a rash.
See also: appear

appear at

some place to perform at a particular place. She is appearing at the Bijou all month. I will appear at Carnegie Hall soon.
See also: appear

appear at some time

to arrive at a particular time. I am due to appear at the council at noon. I will appear at the meeting whenever my plane gets in.
See also: appear, time

appear before someone

1. to show up in the presence of someone, suddenly. The deer appeared before us with no sound or other warning. A frightful specter appeared before me.
2. to have a trial or hearing with a particular judge or court. You have to appear before Judge Cahill tomorrow. Have you ever appeared before the Supreme Court?
See also: appear, before

appear before something

to arrive in advance of the appointed time or before some event. Please appear at least ten minutes before you are due. It is best to appear shortly before the time of your interview.
See also: appear, before

appear for someone

to represent or substitute for a person who is absent. I will appear for you in the council. Who is going to appear for my lawyer, who is ill?
See also: appear

appear in court

to go to a court of law as a participant. She has to appear in court tomorrow. I have to appear in court for my traffic violation.
See also: appear, court

appear in something

1. to be seen in some performance. The singer will appear in the opera with the rest of the chorus. I will appear in Aida.
2. to be seen wearing something. I wouldn't appear in that in public! Would you want to appear in a wrinkled suit?
See also: appear

appear to someone

[for something] to make an appearance before someone. My late grandmother appeared to me in a dream.
See also: appear

appear to someone (that...)

Fig. to seem to someone that... It appears to me that you are always late.
See also: appear

appear under the name of (some name)

[for an actor] to perform under a special name. She is appearing under the name of Fifi. I appeared under the stage name Rex Righteous.
See also: appear, name, of

appear (up)on something

to arrive and be seen on something. (Upon is more formal and less commonly used than on.) A fly appeared on the sterile bandages. A small bird appeared on our mailbox.
See also: appear, on

*naked eye

the human eye, unassisted by optics, such as a telescope, microscope, or spectacles. (*Typically: appear to ~; look to ~; see with ~; visible to~.) I can't see the bird's markings with the naked eye. The scientist could see nothing in the liquid with the naked eye, but with the aid of a microscope, she identified the bacteria. That's how it appears to the naked eye.
See also: eye, naked

*out of nowhere

appearing suddenly, without warning. (*Typically: appear ~; come ~; materialize ~.) A huge bear appeared out of nowhere and roared and threatened us. Suddenly, a truck came out of nowhere. Without warning, the storm came out of nowhere.
See also: nowhere, of, out

*rooted to the spot

Fig. unable to move because of fear or surprise. (*Typically: appear to be ~; be ~;become ~.) Jane stood rooted to the spot when she saw the ghostly figure. Mary stood rooted to the spot when the thief snatched her bag.
See also: root, spot

rooted to the spot

not able to move Mary was afraid and wanted to run away, but she was rooted to the spot and watched as the building collapsed.
See also: root, spot

appear as

Act the part of in public, usually alluding to a performance on stage. For example, She got wonderful reviews when she appeared as Portia. This idiom uses appear in the sense of "to come before the public," a usage dating from the late 1500s.
See also: appear

naked eye

Sight unassisted by an instrument such as a microscope or telescope. For example, These insects are too small to be seen with the naked eye. This expression was first recorded in 1664.
See also: eye, naked

out of nowhere

Suddenly, unexpectedly, as in That anonymous letter turned up out of nowhere. It is often put as come out of nowhere, as in Their team came out of nowhere and won the state championship. This term uses out of in the sense of "from," and nowhere in the sense of "an unknown place." For a synonym, see out of a clear blue sky.
See also: nowhere, of, out

rooted to the spot

Not moving, especially owing to some strong emotion. For example, When the truck bore down on the dog, he was terrified and stood rooted to the spot. This idiom likens the roots of a plant to a strong feeling that keeps one from moving.
See also: root, spot

Common Names:

Epiphanius-Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Meginfrid-Ancient Germanic
FrejaFRIE-ah (Danish, German), FRAY-ah (Swedish)Danish, Swedish, German