
straight arrow

An honest, ethical person who makes good decisions. Primarily heard in US. Kristen was often mocked by her peers for being a straight arrow who always followed the rules and stayed out of trouble.
See also: arrow, straight

*straight as an arrow

1. Cliché [of something] very straight. (*Also: as ~.) The road to my house is as straight as an arrow, so it should be very easy to follow.
2. . Cliché [of someone] honest or forthright. (Straight here means honest. *Also: as ~.) Tom is straight as an arrow. I'd trust him with anything.
See also: arrow, straight

*swift as an arrow

 and *swift as the wind; *swift as thought
very fast. (*Also: as ~.) The new intercity train is swift as an arrow. You won't have to wait for me long; I'll be there, swift as thought.
See also: arrow, swift

slings and arrows

unpleasant, negative attacks He was surprised by the slings and arrows directed at him by several economists.
Etymology: from the phrase a€?the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunea€? in Shakespeare's play a€?Hamleta€?
See also: and, arrow, sling

the slings and arrows (of outrageous fortune)

unpleasant things that happen to you that you cannot prevent
Usage notes: This phrase comes from Shakespeare's play, Hamlet. Slings and arrows are weapons used to attack people, and fortune means things that happen to you.
We all have to suffer the slings and arrows, so there's no point getting depressed when things go wrong.
See also: and, arrow, sling

a straight arrow

someone who is very honest and careful to behave in a socially acceptable way Friends describe Menendez as a straight arrow who rarely drank and was close to his family.
See also: arrow, straight

straight as an arrow

Honest, genuine, as in You can trust Pat with the money; he's straight as an arrow. This simile alludes to the arrow's undeviating flight through the air. [Second half of 1900s]
See also: arrow, straight

straight arrow

n. an honest person; a law-abiding citizen. (see also straight shooter.) Willy is really a straight arrow at heart—as long as he’s not around Max. Max is not a straight arrow. Slime is more like it.
See also: arrow, straight

slings and arrows

Difficulties or hardships.
See also: and, arrow, sling

straight arrow

A conventional and ethical person. As morally straight as an arrow, that person is likely to be dull. As used in colleges during the mid- 20th century, a straight arrow wasn't the type who'd get drunk or use drugs. If female, her necking, petting, or going further was out of the question.
See also: arrow, straight

Common Names:

Mehr-Persian, Persian Mythology
Nudd-Welsh Mythology
Stefaniaste-FAH-nyah (Italian), ste-FAHN-yah (Polish)Italian, Polish