1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
The address of the White House, the residence of the President of the United States of America, used to refer to the White House or the presidency itself. Primarily heard in US. 1600 Penn. Ave. has not yet taken an official stance on this issue.
explore all avenues
To investigate or pursue every possible means to find a solution to a given problem or to achieve a desired outcome. Right now, we are exploring all avenues to catch the perpetrator of this heinous crime. We've explored all avenues, but I just can't see how we can continue to afford living in this house.
explore every avenue
To investigate or pursue every possible means to find a solution to a given problem or to achieve a desired outcome. Right now, we are exploring every avenue to catch the perpetrator of this heinous crime. We've explored every avenue, but I just can't see how we can continue to afford living in this house.
avenue of escape
A way or path out of something. That beetle doesn't seem to know that his only avenue of escape is the open window. The fire was in the kitchen, so our only avenue of escape was through the front door.