
basic decency

Common, everyday courtesy, respect, and politeness that is expected and assumed by social convention. Please have the basic decency to at least consult me before you make some extravagant purchase. It is an assumed basic decency that you should help someone if they are in distress.
See also: basic, decency

back to basics

Returning to the fundamental aspects of something. Since you're struggling to play chords, let's get back to basics and look at the notes on the scale.
See also: back, basic


slang Describing one who likes stereotypically trendy things. Primarily heard in US. I'm not trying to be basic, I just love going to Starbucks.

basic bitch

rude slang One who likes stereotypically trendy things. Primarily heard in US. I'm not a basic bitch, I just love going to Starbucks, OK?
See also: basic, bitch

back to basics

return to basic instruction; start the learning process over again. Class, you seem to have forgotten the simplest of facts, so it's back to basics for the first week of classes.
See also: back, basic

back to basics

returned to the main principles of something She got back to basics on her last album, using just a guitar and piano to produce some wonderful music.
Usage notes: often used with go or get, as in the example
Etymology: based on the idea of learning the basics in school (reading, writing, addition, subtraction)
See also: back, basic

back to basics

Back to fundamental principles, as in The plans are much too elaborate; to stay in our budget we have to get back to basics. At first this term was used mainly for schooling that stresses proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics (also see three R's), but it quickly was transferred to other areas. [1970s]
See also: back, basic

Common Names:

Christinkris-TEEN (Swedish, German)Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German
Tory (2)TAWR-eeEnglish
Katrinekaht-REE-ne (Danish)Danish, Norwegian