
have blinders on

to not be able to recognize or accept what is happening around you I don't know why I thought he was innocent - I guess I had blinders on.
Usage notes: sometimes used in the form put blinders on (to refuse to accept something): They put blinders on because they found it easier to ignore her behavior than to do something about it.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of blinders (pieces of material attached next to a horse's eyes to keep it from seeing anything on either side)
See also: blinder, have, on

play a blinder

  (British informal)
to perform with a lot of skill, especially when you are playing sport He's played a blinder in every game so far this season.
See also: blinder, play

Common Names:

Archelausahr-kee-LAY-əs (English)Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical Latin, Biblical