
in (the) bud

In an undeveloped, immature, or incipient state. Tommy has become quite a little painter in bud recently. The young dramatist's style led one reviewer to liken him to an Ibsen in the bud.
See also: bud

bud out

[for a flowering plant or tree] to develop buds. How early in the spring do the trees bud out around here? The trees bud out in early spring.
See also: bud, out

nip something in the bud

Fig. to put an end to something before it develops into something larger. (Alludes to destroying a flower bud before it blooms.) I wanted to nip that little romance in the bud. The whole idea was nipped in the bud.
See also: bud, nip

nip something in the bud

to stop something soon after it has begun If this problem isn't nipped in the bud, it will soon get totally out of hand.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of nip (to cut) and bud (the part of a plant that develops into a flower)
See also: bud, nip

nip something in the bud

to prevent a small problem from getting worse by stopping it soon after it starts The strike was nipped in the bud by some clever negotiation.
See also: bud, nip

nip in the bud

Halt something at an early stage, or thoroughly check something. For example, By arresting all the leaders, they nipped the rebellion in the bud. This metaphoric expression, alluding to a spring frost that kills flower buds, was first recorded in a Beaumont and Fletcher play of 1606-1607.
See also: bud, nip

best bud

n. a best buddy; a best friend. Isn’t Bill your best bud? Why are you so mad at him?
See also: bud


n. a Budweiser beer; any beer. (see also budhead.) How ’bout one of them buds in a green bottle?


and sense (bud) (sɪnts and ˈsɛnts (bəd))
n. seedless marijuana. (Drugs. From Spanish sinsemilla, “seedless.”) Where’s the sinse I was saving? Tom only gets high on sense bud.

sense bud

See sinse
See also: bud, sense

Common Names:

Chuldah-Biblical Hebrew
Roshanak-Persian, Ancient Persian
Mansel-English (Rare)