
in the nip

Naked. Primarily heard in Ireland. You may love fashion now, but as a kid you wanted nothing to do with clothes and were always running around in the nip!
See also: nip

nip slip

slang The exposure of a woman's nipple, usually accidentally. I can't believe I had a nip slip in front of all those people—it was so mortifying! With the way every celebrity nip slip gets plastered all over the Internet these days, I can't afford to not wear undergarments—ever!
See also: nip, slip

nip and tuck

1. noun A cosmetic surgery procedure, often (but not always) one performed on the face. Many women consider getting a nip and tuck as they age, but I think my wrinkles make me look distinguished.
2. noun A minor change to improve something, often the appearance of something. The house just needs a little nip and tuck before it is ready to go up for sale.
3. adjective Of a contest or competition, having a very close margin between the competitors. This race has been nip and tuck, and we won't know who has won until the final vote is counted.
4. adverb Very closely competing; head-to-head. The two teams went nip and tuck down to the final seconds of the game.
See also: and, nip, tuck

nip in the air

A slight chill. I need to grab my jacket because there's definitely a nip in the air tonight.
See also: air, nip

be nip and tuck

slang To have a very close margin between the competitors in a contest or competition. Primarily heard in US. This race has been nip and tuck, and we won't know who has won until the final vote is counted.
See also: and, nip, tuck

(little) nip in the air

a cold feeling; cold weather. I felt a little nip in the air when I opened the window. There's more of a nip in the air as winter approaches.
See also: air, nip

nip and tuck

Fig. almost even; almost tied. The horses ran nip and tuck for the first half of the race. Then my horse pulled ahead. In the football game last Saturday, both teams were nip and tuck throughout the game.
See also: and, nip, tuck

nip at someone or something

to bite at someone or something. The dog nipped at the visitor, but didn't cause any real harm. A small dog nipped at my heels.
See also: nip

nip something in the bud

Fig. to put an end to something before it develops into something larger. (Alludes to destroying a flower bud before it blooms.) I wanted to nip that little romance in the bud. The whole idea was nipped in the bud.
See also: bud, nip

nip something off (of) something

 and nip something off
to clip or cut something off something. (Of is usually retained before pronouns.) Let me nip a few blossoms off the rosebush. I nipped off a few blossoms and made a bouquet.
See also: nip, off

nip something in the bud

to stop something soon after it has begun If this problem isn't nipped in the bud, it will soon get totally out of hand.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of nip (to cut) and bud (the part of a plant that develops into a flower)
See also: bud, nip

a nip and (a) tuck

1. a medical operation to improve the appearance of your face I don't think you could look like that at her age without a little nip and tuck.
2. (American) small changes or reductions made in order to improve something A nip and a tuck in their household budget would give them the extra money they need.
See also: and, nip, tuck

a nip in the air

if there is a nip in the air, the air is cold There's quite a nip in the air. I think you'll need your jacket on.
See also: air, nip

be nip and tuck

  (American informal)
if two people who are competing are nip and tuck, they have almost the same number of points and either of them could win There's no saying who's going to win this game. It's been nip and tuck all the way.
See also: and, nip, tuck

nip something in the bud

to prevent a small problem from getting worse by stopping it soon after it starts The strike was nipped in the bud by some clever negotiation.
See also: bud, nip

nip and tuck

Very close so that the advantage or lead of competitors keeps shifting, as in It was nip and tuck whether they would deal with the bill before Congress adjourned. The precise allusion in this term has been lost. [Early 1800s] Also see neck and neck.
See also: and, nip, tuck

nip in the bud

Halt something at an early stage, or thoroughly check something. For example, By arresting all the leaders, they nipped the rebellion in the bud. This metaphoric expression, alluding to a spring frost that kills flower buds, was first recorded in a Beaumont and Fletcher play of 1606-1607.
See also: bud, nip

nip at

1. To grab and pinch or bite: The fish nipped at our feet when we walked in the pond.
2. To bite or sting with the cold: The wind was nipping at our nose.
3. To sip some drink, often alcoholic, in small amounts: They were caught nipping at the whiskey again.
See also: nip

nip on

1. To grab and pinch or bite: The fish nipped on the wader's feet.
2. To sip some drink, often alcoholic, in small amounts: The guests nipped on their eggnog all night long. I nipped on my soda while waiting for my date to show up.
See also: nip, on


1. n. a small, quick drink of liquor. Here, have a nip of this stuff.
2. in. to take small drinks of liquor periodically. (see also nipped.) After nipping all day, Fred was pretty well stewed by dinnertime.
3. tv. to steal something. The punk kid nipped two candy bars from the drugstore.

nip and tuck

mod. so close as to be almost the same; neck and neck. They ran nip and tuck all the way to the finish line, but Tom won the race.
See also: and, nip, tuck


mod. alcohol intoxicated. (see also nip.) All four of them went out and got nipped.
See also: nip

Common Names:

Ajith-Tamil, Indian, Malayalam
Deonne-English (Rare)