
brink of disaster

A point very close to complete ruin, destruction, or failure. Our company was on the brink of disaster, but after our latest product came out, we've been doing better than ever before! The increasing tension of looming war between the two countries has brought the entire region to the brink of disaster.
See also: brink, disaster, of

a walking disaster

Someone who seems to constantly be in or cause great amounts of trouble, difficulty, or mayhem; someone who epitomizes disaster or calamity in his or her actions or behavior. I heard that John got fired from another job because he kept on messing up his boss's instructions. What a walking disaster! First, I lock myself out of the house, then my grocery bag breaks in the parking lot, and now I stepped on my glasses—I'm just a walking disaster today!
See also: disaster, walking

disaster area

1. A location where a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, flood, or storm, occurred. An area designated as such is often the recipient of government aid. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the president declared New Orleans a disaster area and allotted federal funding for the rescue and cleanup efforts.
2. A messy or unclean space. After only a few weeks of living on his own, Adam's apartment looked like a disaster area because he never bothered to clean up after himself.
3. A situation, idea, or plan that is poorly planned or organized. The new economic plan that the senator proposed sounded like a complete disaster area.
See also: area, disaster

disaster of epic proportions

Cliché a very large disaster. (Often jocular.) The earthquake was responsible for a disaster of epic proportions. Your late arrival caused a disaster of epic proportions.
See also: disaster, epic, of, proportion

spell disaster Fig.

to indicate or predict disaster. What a horrible plan! It would spell disaster for all of us!
See also: disaster, fig, spell

a disaster area

1. if a place is a disaster area, it is very untidy
Usage notes: A disaster area is also a place where an event like a storm or a flood causes serious damage and the government gives help for the emergency.
The kitchen was a disaster area, with greasy plates piled high in the sink.
2. if a subject, a piece of work, or an organization is a disaster area, it causes many problems, often because it is badly organized Government housing policy is a complete disaster area.
See also: area, disaster

be a recipe for [disaster/happiness/success etc.]

if something is a recipe for disaster, happiness, success etc., it is very likely to cause this Living with your husband's family is a recipe for disaster.
See also: recipe

Common Names:
