
To err is human(, to forgive divine).

Prov. You should not be too harsh with someone who makes a mistake, because all human beings make mistakes. (Often used as a roundabout way to ask someone to forgive you for making a mistake.) Jill: How could you let my dog get out when I told you a hundred times that he should stay in the house! Ellen: To err is human, to forgive divine.
See also: err, human

err on the side of something

to choose an action that may be too extreme If we're not sure what's needed, let's err on the side of being too prepared.
Usage notes: usually used in the form err on the side of caution: I decided to err on the side of caution and spend less than my full allowance.
See also: err, of, on, side

err on the side of caution

if you err on the side of caution when you are deciding what to do, you do the thing that is safe instead of taking a risk I decided to err on the side of caution and spend less than my full allowance.
See also: caution, err, of, on, side

To err is human, (to forgive, divine).

something that you say which means it is natural to make mistakes and it is important to forgive people when they do You'd think he could find it in his heart to forgive her. To err is human and all that.
See also: err, human

Common Names:

Ernust-Ancient Germanic
Judoc-Breton, Ancient Celtic
AislinASH-ling, ASH-lin Irish