
clean bill of health

1. A doctor's report that a patient is in good physical health. Josie was relieved when she received a clean bill of health from her physician.
2. An assurance that an organization or process is operating properly according to specific standards. Despite accusations that the company was responsible for polluting the lake, it received a clean bill of health from the environmental agency after a thorough investigation.
See also: bill, clean, health, of

ill health

A state of sickness. It's always sad to lose a loved one, but my grandmother was in ill health for a long time, so at least her suffering is over now.
See also: health, ill

*in the best of health

very healthy. (*Typically: be ~; get oneself ~.) Bill is in the best of health. He eats well and exercises. I haven't been in the best of health. I think I have the flu.
See also: health, of

nurse someone back to health

to care for a sick person until good health returns. Sally was glad to help nurse her mother back to health. She nursed her children back to health when they all had the flu.
See also: back, health, nurse

picture of (good) health

in a very healthy condition. The doctor says I am the picture of good health. Each of the children is the picture of health.
See also: health, of, picture

a clean bill of health

1. news that you are healthy or well Johnson was given a clean bill of health by his doctors earlier this month.
2. news that an organization is operating correctly The airline received a clean bill of health from federal investigators.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of a clean bill of health (a statement from a health official that all the people working on a ship are in good health)
See also: bill, clean, health, of

a clean bill of health

if you give someone or something a clean bill of health, you examine them and state that they are healthy, in good condition, or legal John will have to stay at home until the doctors give him a clean bill of health. Of 30 countries inspected for airline safety only 17 received a clean bill of health.
See also: bill, clean, health, of

be the picture of [health/innocence etc.]

to look very healthy, innocent etc. I can't believe there's anything seriously wrong with him - he's the picture of health.
See also: of, picture

clean bill of health

A report confirming the absence of fault or guilt in a person or thing, as in Jeff checked every component and gave the computer a clean bill of health, or He had a foolproof alibi so the police had to give him a clean bill of health. This term comes from a 17th-century practice of requiring ships to produce a medical document ( bill) attesting to the absence of infectious disease on board before landing.
See also: bill, clean, health, of

Common Names:

Lykourgos-Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Grigorii-Medieval Slavic
Nosizwe-Southern African, Xhosa