honey-do list
A list or collection of tasks or jobs one has been requested to perform or undertake, especially household duties or jobs, given to a person by his or her spouse or romantic partner. All I want to do on the weekends is relax, but my husband always has some honey-do list for me.
honey trap
1. An attraction, location, or sight designed to entice people to visit it, especially for monetary gain; a tourist trap. Even though I've lived in New York City for 10 years, I've never visited the Statue of Liberty. It's just a big honey trap, in my opinion.
2. The use of an attractive person, especially a woman, to extract information from someone by means of seduction. Though it feels a little demeaning, I know that being used as a honey trap against the mafia leader is for the greater good.
Smooth, soothing, and sweet in voice, especially in a persuasive or seductive manner or intent. The king has fallen victim to the honey-mouthed advice of his power-hungry chancellor. Handsome and honey-mouthed, the young man was able to pick up any woman he wanted.
honey catches more flies than vinegar
Being kind and gentle produces more positive results than being rude or unpleasant. I don't understand why the boss is always yelling at us like that—doesn't he realize that honey catches more flies than vinegar?
you attract more flies with honey than vinegar
You are more apt to get the results you want when you use kindness, rather than anger or aggression. I think the kids would visit you more if you were nicer to them. You attract more flies with honey than vinegar, you know. A: "The board rejected my proposal!" B: "Well, maybe if you didn't scream at them every time something went wrong, they would be more eager to work with you. After all, you attract more flies with honey than vinegar."